Dragons Comes Up Swingin'.

Jun 22, 2009 18:21

Sweet Charity fic despatched to beta?  Check
Profuse apologies for length and sloppiness of draft issued?  Check.
Riding club website updated?  Check
Member email blast sent?  Check
Resume updated?  Check
Highly professional designer-brand pant-suit purchased for under $100?  Check.... I KNOW.  I'M AWESOME, RIGHT?
Lemon & salt pastey thing re-gargled ( Read more... )

rl, dragons jobhunt 09

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Comments 30

chocca2 June 22 2009, 10:52:16 UTC
Dudes. You should see me in my suit. I look kickass-business-chick-HAWT. Those pants is poo-bulge free. :D

I wanna see, SHOW ME!!!


Dragons, I sound like a broken record but my god, YOU ARE MADE OF WIN! \o/

Good luck on the job *whispers* not that you need it and hope you feel better soon. Hold on a min, you is ill? Imma tardy.

Have fun with Sam!


pdragon76 June 23 2009, 13:59:55 UTC
*plays Rocky music, runs up and down stairs*

I is a woman on a MISSION, chocca2. *smish* I am not very well, no. But I am defeating it by increments with the home remedies. I think I am winning. I am determined to keep out of the doctor's surgery this time.

*stuffs more lemon stuff down throat*


deangirl1 June 22 2009, 11:23:04 UTC
I second the need to SEE you in the pant suit -- I mean c'mon! You left us a voice message with NO voice -- the unvoice... sheesh! LOL!
Hmmmmm my list (which is shockingly similar) took me a WEEK to complete! Does it count that I did 12 resumes (all of which will be dumped in the trash).... YOU are awesome *points at you* *points at self* I suck...
Can you get/do you have a line of credit to help get through the 3 months?
PLEASE send me the link to your website??? Pretty please??? *begs shamelessly*


pdragon76 June 23 2009, 14:09:58 UTC
I promise to take a picture before I head out for my debut interview, whatever that ends up being.

I am sure your resumes will be given due consideration, on account of your obvious awesomeness. Just like mine. I was tempted to write on the envelope: MY AWESOME. LET ME SHOW YOU IT.

But cooler heads prevailed at the post office. They will learn in time, my pretties. THEY WILL LEARN.

And um, no. You cannot have the website link, because that would bring about a crossing of the streams of Ghostbusters proportion. My real life identity and my fangirl identity do not wish to get SLIMED.

*is appalled at the very idea* Besides, I SHOWED you the embarrassing shot. What more do you want?


sparky_joe June 22 2009, 11:35:18 UTC
Congratulations on a very productive day! For someone who doesn't feel great and has no voice, you kicked serious "to-do list" butt!

And speaking of butt, I sooo wanna see you in your hawt new suit!

It sounds like you have a plan and are taking action on it.

One thing that I heard recently that really made a lot of sense to me was basically "never think of yourself as being trapped."
The premise being that if you consider yourself "trapped" then you'll only see the locked door and completely miss the window that's standing wide open just across the room.

Hope you feel better soon and good luck on your job hunt!



sparky_joe June 22 2009, 12:57:39 UTC
Ya know, I hit Post and then realized that my "...speaking of butt, I sooo wanna see you in your hawt new suit!" comment could really be taken the wrong way! (Titters into fist)

Can I blame it on the fact that it was very early on a Monday morning!?!



pdragon76 June 23 2009, 14:21:06 UTC
Don't worry. If anyone's gonna get accused around here of being obsessed with bums lately, it's me. *points to how I keep talking about them*

See, even here in this comment, I had to say bum, didn't I? I couldn't just keep it nice. *sigh*

And I totally agree. I'm never trapped. That is not in my vocabulary. I am the eternal window-seeker. Sometimes I am even that chick who ties shit together so I can abseil outta situations.

It's my special skill. :D *knuckles your knuckles*


(The comment has been removed)

pdragon76 June 23 2009, 14:26:20 UTC
You do remember what I look like, right?

*slaps you up side of the head*


ficwriter1966 June 22 2009, 12:58:11 UTC
Yay for grownup professional suit-clad armed-with-resume checklist-accomplished Dragons!


pdragon76 June 23 2009, 14:29:43 UTC
Grownup? Get out of here with that filthy language. What do you think this is -- a speakeasy?

*throws you out*


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