Angels and Sunbeams- IgneouShipping FST

Oct 20, 2008 16:59

I've been meaning to getting around to sharing the FST I put together for a while now so here it is, finally.

1- Stream- Twarres
2- The Day it Rained Forever- Aurora
3- Raindrops Keep Falling on my Head- BJ Thomas
4- When You Come Back Down- Nickel Creek
5- Shining Light- Ash
6- I Know You're Out There Somewhere- Moody Blues
7- Nothing Without You- Vienna Teng
8- You Were Meant For Me- Jewel
9- I'll Show You Wonders- One More Time
10- One- Hooverphonic
11- Lullaby- The Spill Canvas

MegaUpload Links, Lyrics and explanations:

Stream- Twarres
This song doesn't have any lyrics- it's an instrumental. I picked this for my!Steven, because I thought the 'feel' of the song suited him.

The Day it Rained Forever- Aurora
I'd love to pick just a handful of lyrics to sum up why I picked this song, but I can't seem to narrow any down. The reason I picked this was because of this thread on my!Steven's journal- the lyrics seemed to sum up the thread perfectly.

Raindrops Keep Falling on my Head- BJ Thomas
Raindrops keep fallin' on my head
And just like the guy whose feet are too big for his bed
Nothin' seems to fit

This is the song Yami chose for her Steven. We think it fits because it's about a guy who has bad luck, but he's not going to let it get him down.

When You Come Back Down- Nickel Creek
You got to leave me now, you got to go alone
You got to chase a dream, one that's all your own
Before it slips away

This is the only song on the playlist that neither Yami nor I picked- Tip gave us this song. It's Yami's Steven's song for my!Steven, if that makes sense. It's about letting someone go to follow their dreams, but hoping they come back all the same.
It fits him because my!Steven keeps upping and leaving, as he's a wanderer, but he always comes back.

Shining Light- Ash
We made a connection
A full on chemical reaction
Brought on by dark divine intervention
Yeah, you are a shining light

And in return to the above song, this is my!Steven's song for his other half. He calls him 'my sunbeam' because he brightens up his day, so I chose a song that reflected some of that.

I Know You're Out There Somewhere- Moody Blues
I know you're out there somewhere
Somewhere, somewhere
I know I'll find you somehow
Somehow, somehow
And somehow I'll return again to you

I picked this one because one of the 'themes' of the ship is that the Stevens are connected and found each other on the Island. So this song is taken from the view of them still looking for each other. It also has the longest title of any of the songs on here, haha.

Nothing Without You- Vienna Teng
Oh call my name.
You know my name.
And in that sound, everything will change.
Tell me it won't always be this hard.
I am nothing without you, but I don't know who you are.

The obligatory melancholic track of the playlist! Picked mostly for the theme of looking for someone, as well as the line 'I am nothing without you', as it's something the Stevens are fond of saying to the other.

You Were Meant For Me- Jewel
Dreams last for so long, even after you're gone
I know you love me, And soon you will see
You were meant for me
And I was meant for you.

Remember when Yami's Steven went away and mine moped around his house for a while? This song reminds me of that time. Also, the theme of 'I was meant for you' played a big part in my decision to include this one.

I'll Show You Wonders- One More Time
Let me walk you to the sunshine
Through the light and through the sound of thunder
I'll show you wonders

I love this song, so it's no wonder I chose to include it. My!Steven promised to take his other half to show him some of the sights of the Island and this song makes me think of them actually going out to do it.

One- Hooverphonic
Cus we are one
And we'll always be
You were born first
Forever connected to me

Really, this one kind of speaks for itself. The Stevens are sort of one entity split into two, so they're one. I picked this because it would have been a crime not to.

Lullaby- The Spill Canvas
If you need anything, just the say the word.
I mean anything.
Rest assured, if you start to doze, then I'll tuck you in,
and plant my lips where your necklaces close.

'Lullaby' was the first song found for the pairing and we have Yami to thank for that. The moment I heard it, it was too perfect for the pair and I've loved it ever since (evidently, I themed my journal around it.)

So that's it! I hope you enjoy it, guys~!

!fanmix, pairing: igneoushipping, by: autumnrain, character: steven

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