"When the Faithless Ante-Up", for lizparker6

Jan 15, 2009 05:59

Title: When the Faithless Ante-Up
Author: To be revealed
Rating: PG-13
Category: Gen (implied Het)
Characters: Lincoln, Sara, Michael
Requested by: lizparker6
Summary: Lincoln and Sara wait to hear about Michael's surgery.
Author’s Notes: The plot bunny that formed from these prompts [Michael/Sara related fic of any kind, Sara and Self and/or Sucre and/or ( Read more... )

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Comments 12

chatty_cat January 15 2009, 15:36:54 UTC
This was wonderful!

I have always liked the relationship between Lincoln and Sara. In some ways it is very Michael centered, but there is a connection there as well. I think there is a mutual respect. I liked how you brought in both of those aspects.


badboy_fangirl January 26 2009, 23:52:53 UTC
Hey Cathy, now that's it's been revealed, I just wanted to say thanks. It does always seem to be about Michael, doesn't it? *g*


anonymous January 15 2009, 21:00:51 UTC
I love this!

Lincoln had known then and there that the prison doc had value to Michael, and God help them all because of it.

This in particular is so true, isn't it? His pull to Sara impacted everything. Lincoln could have really resented it, but as you stated, he liked Sara. She was his ally in Fox River, and she saved his life. It's a beautiful, if vicious, circle.

I love love your point that Michael didn't bring 'home' a girl until he had no home to bring her to.

Great job!


badboy_fangirl January 26 2009, 23:53:51 UTC
Thank you. I liked that idea too, that Lincoln couldn't recall anyone ever really mattering enough to Michael before. Of course it would happen at the most inconvenient time. *g*


happywriter06 January 16 2009, 12:48:42 UTC
Linc is a gentle bear. I've always loved the relationship between of Linc and Sara, or at least the idea of it since we've only gotten glimpses of it until this season. Their compadres in this adventure that is Michael. Wonderful job of hitting on the strengths of each character, the love between M/S and L/M (brotherly I mean), and what could turn out to be love (familiar) between L/S.


badboy_fangirl January 26 2009, 23:54:37 UTC
Me too. I like Linc and Sara platonic almost as much as I like them as lovers. Almost. *g*


anonymous January 17 2009, 19:17:59 UTC
This was perfect! Michael is the common denominator that connects Lincoln and Sara but this really showed that it's not only him. There's more to the bond they share...it almost feels familial.

I wish there were more Lincoln and Sara fics of this ilk.

Excellent writing too!


badboy_fangirl January 26 2009, 23:55:33 UTC
Oh, thank you. I do enjoy the Linc/Sara dynamic very much myself.


anonymous January 18 2009, 08:01:22 UTC
“I was there when my mother died; and I was there when my father died. If my brother is going to die, and leave me the last man standing, do you really think I can be anywhere else?”


So, so good.

Excellent use of the prompts to give us an amazing story of faith and family. I love it!


badboy_fangirl January 27 2009, 03:46:08 UTC
That was the first line that came to me when the plot bunny multiplied :D


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