"I Wanna Do Bad Things With You", for niektete

Jan 12, 2009 09:53

Title: I Wanna Do Bad Things With You
Author: To be revealed
Rating: R
Category: Slash
Characters: Lincoln, LJ/Bill Compton, Michael/LJ
Requested by: niektete
Summary: Michael, Lincoln and LJ find themselves in Bon Temps, Louisiana and LJ makes a new friend.
Author's Notes: AU, post-escape, True Blood crossover. Any slash pairing was requested. Prompts included: a candle, a circular shape, and the question of free-will.

I Wanna Do Bad Things To You

“I’m hungry,” LJ complained from the backseat, his forehead resting against the window of the car.

“Have some Cheetos,” Lincoln offered and LJ groaned.

“They’re all gone,” he lamented, “Besides I want some real food. Can’t we stop somewhere and eat? Where are we anyway, Alabama?”

“I sure hope not,” Michael muttered to himself.

“Looks pretty Southern to me,” Lincoln said as he looked out the window at the darkened scenery around him.

It was late at night and he was starting to get a little worried that they might be lost. Not that they really had much of a destination. Right now it was just “South”. Get as far away from Illinois as possible, then trek over the border when it’s safe. Whenever that might be.

“Uncle Mike, you got the map, where the hell are we?” LJ asked.

“What was the last street sign you saw?” Michael asked as he opened up the tattered roadmap, stolen from a gas station too many state lines back.

“There haven’t been any street signs,” Lincoln pointed out, “We’re out in Bumfuckville, Alabama.”

LJ laughed as Michael just rolled his eyes.

“Hey, what’s that say up there?” he asked, pointing to the big neon sign they were now approaching.


LJ wrinkled his nose. “Tru Blood? It that some kind of drink?”

“Yeah, probably some hick version of a bloody mary,” Lincoln retorted.

Suddenly the car rumbled as the tires rolled over something large and crunchy.

“What the hell was that?” Michael asked, somewhat distressed, “Did we just hit something?”

“Or someone,” LJ offered helpfully.

Lincoln swore as he glanced out the window and noticed the flat tire has vehicle had now acquired. Angrily, he pulled over to the shoulder and got out to inspect the damage. Michael came out to help him as LJ went to investigate what they had hit.

“Oh gross, dad you killed a possum!” LJ exclaimed, staring down at the furry little mangled body splattered on the road.

“Yeah, well the fucking thing just killed my tire,” Lincoln shot back as Michael held his hand over his mouth in disgust.

“What are we gonna do?” LJ asked quietly and Lincoln just shook his head, fighting back more curse words.

“Look, there’s a gas station not too far from here,” Michael said reassuringly, “I saw it on that blood sign back there. Linc, you stay with the car and me and LJ will go on ahead and see if we can get some help.”

“Be careful,” Lincoln cautioned and Michael nodded.


It wasn’t long before the pair reached the Grabbit Kwik, and Michael sighed in relief as he noticed the little convenience store had a pretty big gas station and garage attached to it.

“Wait out here,” Michael told LJ, “And if you see any sheriffs, hide.”

LJ leaned against the outside wall of the store as Michael entered, both of them trying to appear as nonchalant as possible. Michael pushed the brim of his baseball cap down as he approached the counter. He did a quick scan to see if there were any wanted posters on the back wall, but thankfully it was instead covered in fading flyers for local bars and bands he had never heard of. He mentally wished that he had chosen a trucker hat instead of a standard ball cap, maybe then he might have fit in better.

The clerk didn’t look up from the Springer show he was watching on the static-y tv behind the counter as Michael walked up to him.

“Excuse me,” Michael said and cursed himself for sounding like such a dork, “Uh, my car blew a tire down the road and I was wondering if there was a mechanic around who could help us out.”

“Yeah, Jimmy’s out back,” the clerk replied, never taking his eyes away from the screen, “Just holler for him, he should come out and help ya.”

“Thanks,” Michael mumbled as he turned to leave.

He was grateful for the clerk’s rudeness, it made it much easier on his part to evade detection. Michael’s feeling of satisfaction was cut short however as he noticed LJ was nowhere to be found outside.

He quickly scanned the area, looking for any police cars or otherwise suspicious activity, but the place was deserted, not a person in sight.

“LJ where are you…” Michael muttered to himself and he hoped that his nephew had just been spooked by a passing car and was hiding somewhere in the bushes, not too far from where he was.


LJ was in the bushes, but not close to Michael. Instead he stood deep in the forest behind the gas station, in front of a pale young man who was staring at him with great interest.

“You’re so pretty,” the man remarked and as he grinned LJ could see his shiny white fangs glistening in the moonlight.

Yet somehow, LJ wasn’t afraid. He didn’t know quite how to describe it, but he felt drawn towards the mysterious stranger. He felt calm, peaceful, as if all of the stress of the breakout, all of the worries, had just melted away. He was totally enthralled.

“What’s your name?” the stranger asked.

“LJ,” he replied.

“You ever been with a vampire before?” the man asked and LJ just shook his head slowly, eyes still staring into the handsome stranger’s.

He felt as if they were connected, like there was some kind of unseen current running between the two of them. He couldn’t look away even if he wanted to. And he certainly didn’t want to. At that moment he knew that he would do anything for this man, would give him whatever he asked for. Even his life.

“You want me to taste you, don’t you?” the man asked and LJ nodded his head.

His pulse quickened as the vampire reached out to stroke his face, leaning in closer, and LJ couldn’t help it as he leaned towards the man.

“You want me to drink your blood,” the vampire said, as if confirming his ill gotten consent.

His face was only inches from LJ’s now, his hand already snaking around the boy’s waist. LJ was breathing hard, face flushed, his pants suddenly feeling far too tight. He wanted this, so badly. He wanted to give himself to the vampire.

“Yes,” LJ whispered as he closed his eyes and the vampire growled low in his throat.

LJ felt the fangs sink into his neck, felt the creature’s grip on his body tighten. It was like nothing he had ever felt before. He’d lost his virginity at 13, he knew what sex was like, but this was different from sex. It was better than sex. Better than anything. The odd mixture of pleasure and pain and the feeling of being connected to something, it was indescribable. It was the best high he had ever felt.

He could feel himself getting hard as the vampire drank from him, blood flowing easily from the wounds on his neck. It didn’t seem important at the moment. He didn’t need sex, he just needed this.

And then suddenly the current was broken as the vampire withdrew his fangs and let go of him. LJ shuddered at the sudden loss of contact and the world seemed to come back into focus, as if he had been seeing everything through a hazy fog before.

“Thank you,” the man said and then he was gone in an instant, leaving LJ standing alone in the dark forest, not quite sure what had just happened.


“You sure you don’t need any help?” the scruffy looking mechanic asked as Michael handed him some bills in exchange for a new tire.

“No, no, we’re fine,” Michael replied, keeping his hat low over his eyes, “We’ve got a jack in the car.”

He was thankful for the dim light in the garage, but he still wasn’t taking any chances. He quickly thanked the man, then picked up the tire over his shoulder as he scanned the bushes for LJ again.

He felt relief wash over him as his nephew emerged from the trees, looking slightly disoriented. LJ was holding his hand over his neck and that’s when Michael saw the blood.

“LJ, what happened?” he asked frantically, “Are there police?”

“No, I don’t know,” LJ said, looking confused, “There was a man in the woods and I…I don’t really remember. I think he bit me.”

“A man bit you?” Michael asked and LJ giggled.

“I know, I hope he doesn’t have rabies,” he replied as Michael stood frowning at him.

“Are you drunk?” Michael asked.

“Yeah…I don’t know,” LJ replied unhelpfully as he staggered over to his uncle, “I don’t really know.”

And he leaned against Michael, nearly knocking the older man over as he wrapped his arms around his neck.

“LJ, what are you doing? You’re going to draw too much attention to us, get off,” Michael said impatiently, trying to balance both the tire and his inexplicably intoxicated and bleeding nephew.

“Mmm, you smell good,” LJ said as he pressed his face against Michael’s neck and Michael pushed him away.

“LJ, what the hell happened to you?” Michael hissed.

LJ’s brow furrowed as he tried desperately to remember.

“I think it was a vampire,” he said and Michael just rolled his eyes.

“Okay, c’mon,” he said, tugging at LJ’s arm, “Let’s just get back to the car and we can get a bandage on your neck and you can sleep it off. You’ll feel better once we get you all cleaned up.”


They hadn’t been walking for very long before LJ insisted that they rest. Michael set down the tire as LJ leaned up against a fencepost and closed his eyes.

“I’m serious Uncle Mike, I think I was attacked by some kind of vampire,” he insisted.

He seemed more lucid now, but that was not much comfort to Michael when his nephew was still rambling about mystical creatures with fangs.

“LJ stop,” Michael said exasperatedly as he leaned against the fence, next to the boy.

“You know what?” LJ went on, “It felt really good. Like better than sex.”

“Did it now?” Michael asked as he rubbed his forehead in frustration.

LJ just kept going. “I can remember more now. I can show you how he did it.”

And Michael was startled as he opened his eyes to see his nephew standing right in front of him, leaning in close.

“W-what are you doing?” he asked and he hated the way his voice wavered.

“Showing you what it was like,” LJ replied and he wrapped his arms around his uncle.

Michael didn’t know why he didn’t push LJ away, didn’t stop him.

Because you want this. Because you’ve wanted LJ for so long now, but have been too afraid to do anything. Too afraid of ruining what you have with Lincoln.

LJ’s mouth was on his neck now, the boy’s body pressed against his, grinding against him. And still he didn’t do anything to stop it. He knew he should, but it was too good. He had to have this one moment, even if that’s all it would ever be.

Michael reached out to cup LJ’s face, bringing the boy’s mouth to his, kissing him slowly. This would be all he would take, just a simple kiss.

But it was so much more than just a kiss and Michael couldn’t help but press more insistently against LJ, drawing him deeper. He could feel the boy’s hard-on against his leg, but he pulled away as soon as he felt his own arousal.

“Why’d you stop?” LJ breathed.

“We need to get back to the car,” Michael stammered and LJ grinned.

“Dad can wait,” he said and he tried to draw Michael into another kiss, but his uncle leaned back, clearly no longer wanting to play.

“We should really get going,” he said as LJ let go of him.

“Alright, alright,” LJ sighed, “I guess I should find something to put on my neck before I bleed to death.”

“Yes, that would probably be a good idea.”

“Hey what are you gonna tell dad?” LJ asked as he began rolling the tire along the road.

“About what?”

“About any of this.”

Michael thought for a moment, then smiled. “Rabid squirrel attacked you?” he offered and LJ laughed.

“You know what? I think he’d buy it.”

exchange 7

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