SP ⚜ Permissions

Feb 07, 2011 01:46

Your Permissions

Please let me know if you do not want Francis to flirt with you. He is going to default flirt with everyone because... well... he's a flirt. ;; So please don't get too mad at him if he ends up flirting and you DNW.

Powers - Mind Suggestion
Quick rundown of his powers: France's powers are, essentially, partially guiding a person's subconscious, through the use of his voice or through his writing (though his writing has an even weaker effect than his voice). Francis can use the intent of his words (basically, what he wants to happen or what he wants people to see or feel) to plant that idea in someone's subconscious, and cause them to react differently in some way (whether that be having a subconscious urge to do something to help Francis' cause, or getting a mental picture in their mind, or feeling differently about a topic). Think about Obi-Wan Kenobi with the Stormtrooper in Star Wars IV, only much weaker in power. Because it is weaker in power, there are ways to resist it: for example, not understanding the language he is speaking in, or being resistant to it somehow with a mental power (think Star Wars I, with Qui-Gon Jinn and Watto, for the "Credits will do fine" "No they won't" dialogue).
Speaking to someone has a more powerful effect, writing to someone has a much weaker effect; however, writing lasts longer because the printed word lasts longer than the spoken word. His writing will have weak traces of  his power on them, whereas with speaking he may be able to convince you to his side. With writing, is is much less likely he can persuade you, unless he puts all of his energy into doing so, which causes strains on his body and can't be kept up for long.
Please let me know if Francis' powers will not work as effectively on you for some reason. Francis' powers aren't very dangerous, especially at this stage, as it's only a subconscious suggestion; however if your character has some sort of power that prevents psychic tampering, or is just in general resistant to that sort of thing, let me know.

My Permissions

Yes. I've unfortunately got a pretty busy life at the moment (since I'm in college). I will keep replying to a thread basically until you stop replying to it or it finishes on its own.

Yes. I understand people may want to comment to my RP buddy's comments - and Francis is a great sharer. ;3

Fourth Wall
Yes. Francis looooooves attention so, go for it. Francis probably won't do much fourth walling, if any.

Yes. Though you'll have to woo him in return, of course.

Uh... duh. Francis will sleep with pretty much anyone as long as it ends up being good for the both of them. Though once he gets into a relationship and has to commit and all of that, then he probably won't.

Mind Control/Mind Break
Maybe. Ask me first and give me a rough idea. I'll usually say yes. Though why you'd want to mind control this cheese eating surrender monkey, I'll never know.

Yes. However, Francis is only really going to go tooth and nail if someone he loves is hurt or he has no other choice - he's usually going to try and talk his way out of it first. Also keep in mind it is difficult to cause any lasting damage; see "Permanent Injury/Death" below.

Maybe. Ask me first and give me rough idea. I'll probably say yes because he can heal relatively fast; see "Permanent Injury/Death" below.

Permanent Injury/Death
Unfortunately impossible. He can't... die... or be permanently injured? Feel free to try and hurt him that badly enough, though. Also the fact that he's immortal might add to some interesting torture-like stuff (such as drowning for eternity à la Baccano!).

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