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Comments 16

the_dead_dream April 28 2011, 18:50:11 UTC
You made me hungry. =/


pax_morgana April 28 2011, 19:39:12 UTC
I sorry. >:


the_dead_dream April 28 2011, 21:36:32 UTC
LIAR! ;)


messiah_noire April 29 2011, 02:25:35 UTC
...that is one breakfast that would make me feel sick in an instant. x_x But then I'm not a breakfast-person anyway. xD


pax_morgana April 29 2011, 02:26:22 UTC
I'm usually not either, but I like pancakes and bacon. *3*


messiah_noire April 29 2011, 02:29:41 UTC
Haha, I hate bacon. XD I could never watch when my (now ex) boyfriend ate it. And he practically lived of bacon - weird English people. :|


pax_morgana April 29 2011, 02:42:11 UTC
Hahaha! I actually don't eat bacon anymore, because my brother went on a special diet and he really likes it. So I don't wanna tease him. XP


lucre_noin April 30 2011, 19:14:14 UTC
Butter and bacon fro breakfast is so strange here in Italy! I remember that I was shocked when I went to England because here the tradition is: "At breakfast you eat sweet things as milk, biscuits, brioshes, hot tea and cakes!"


pax_morgana April 30 2011, 22:35:19 UTC
Really? What's a typical breakfast for you guys over in Italy?


lucre_noin April 30 2011, 22:59:10 UTC
A lot of my friends eat milk and biscuits (this is the classic) but some eat fruits.
I eat what I find and usually yogurt (or brioshes) when I am in the dormitory and at home milk and biscuits (or caffelatte and biscuits).
My mother coffee and brioshes and my father the same as me. My sister eats cereal in milk XD


pax_morgana April 30 2011, 23:14:59 UTC
I actually tend to just eat whatever's left over from dinner the night before. XD


liralen May 3 2011, 15:06:14 UTC
THAT sounds wonderful!


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