Music meme!

Mar 19, 2011 21:01

The rules are simple:
1. Comment on this entry
2. You'll get a random letter of the alphabet
3. Post 5 songs (with links / embeds) that begin with that letter

I was tagged (sort of) by messiah_noire, who assigned me the letter N.

Fuck it, I'm sick of messing with embeds. Links under the cut. )

!memes, !spam

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Comments 1

messiah_noire March 20 2011, 02:37:24 UTC
1. KERRY!!! <3 (And Wicked's awesome anyway.)

2. It's Heather thus it's naturally great. ;) I just love her voice, it's so soothing.

3. Never really listened to Alanis, no idea why to be honest, because I actually quite like her music.

4. Didn't know this song before but I think I'll put it on repeat for a few times now!

5. "This video is not available in your country." *sigh*


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