Title : Yifan : A Mission
Pairing: Kris/Suho
Rating: PG-13
Genre: Kid!au
Summary: Yifan is a class president of the first grader class in Guangzhou Elementary. He is Zhang laoshe's right hand, and he always manages to finish every task the laoshe gives to him
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Comments 8
Thank you for the support and comment <3
Yixing is so manipulative the way he gets Yifan to take care of Suho.
Yifan is so adorable how he tries so hard to do his duties as a duizhang.
I think the part I love most is when Yifan said what he wants to be he grows up.
That totally won my heart along with Suho's.
Suho is so cute when he kisses Yifan because Yifan is down that he didn't managed to protect Suho.
Child's innocence is always endearing, and it weakens me :")
Thank you for commenting and the support! <3
this fic reminds me so much of the class in yifan's a date with luyu, which is so adorable!
it will be great if you make this a series (or maybe just an epilogue?) XD
I am thinking abt making it into a series ! But still workin on it ;)
Thank you for the comment and support <3
Kids!EXO always manages to bring smiles on me and I am happy my fic can bring a smile to u too! Thank u for ur comment and support<3
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