Nice. As a side note: That picture of the official document will note that it is the Assistant District Attourney, Forest and I just want to avoid the need for a national approval as an after thought :-P.
I don't see have the Rhode Island State Attorney General's office would require National Approval. He's an official of that State only and influences possibly the Regional level at best.
I didn't have to go National to get hooks into the A.G.'s office in a different state.
It's just the way RI's particular government stucture is set up. Our Attourney general is part of our branch of the DoD or Homeland I forget, while our DA's work for them they are not. RI is just messed up. So while the seal is there the signature is the ADA's. Same seal different Joe Schmoe.
Comments 3
Jim DST RI002D
Damn you guys were busy little beavers!
I didn't have to go National to get hooks into the A.G.'s office in a different state.
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