Title: I like It When It Tickles (Part Two)
Genre: PG-13
Pairing: Ryoda
Summary: Tatsuya has a fetish for moustache. Ryo wants to get Tatsuya's attention. What would he do when he learned about Tatsuya's preference?
Disclaimer: The following story is a work of fiction. The author does not claim to own or know any of the characters personally. Any similarities to actual events is by mere coincidence.
A/N: Throw away all the timelines you have in mind. This story doesn’t follow any of the actual events but only what happened in my world. (evil laugh) This story stemmed from the ideas thrown in by
granity20 about this
video and since she loves me so much-eh, I mean I love her so much-I’ve decided to write this for her. (Why am I explaining myself only now is beyond my comprehension as well) I hope you like it and crack your asses off laughing just like I do when I was writing this up.
This fic has been moved to its new home, my fanfiction community,
pautamiwrites. To read it, click on Uepon.