nowhere to hide in the streets of seoul.

Dec 03, 2010 17:17

pg for language, angst.
jonghyun/luna, key/amber, minho/krystal.
oneshot, complete.
1176 words.
Three heartbreaks in the street of Seoul.

Yay I finally wrote a oneshot with Jongna, Keyber, Minstal! Hope you like it~
Do comment after reading! :D

The city of Seoul was particularly quiet on this cold night of December. The streets resembled runways, with flashing LED signs and lit signboards were scattered through them like runway lights. Everyone was blanketed by the harsh glow of lights, making them all visible no matter where they were. There was nowhere to hide in the streets of Seoul.


Luna stuck her hands into the pockets of her olive green jacket, ambling aimlessly along the streets of Seoul. Steam drifted from the crack of a restaurant, teasing her skin. She turned towards it, smiling as the steam warmed her pale cheeks. Looking through the glass of the restaurant, she saw a boy with brown hair, his fringe highlighted in blonde. His hands rested on the table, a petite hand held in between them with such careful, gentle force it seemed that if his grip tightened the hand would shatter. He smiled, eyes crinkling into two crescents. The girl sitting opposite him in the tiny booth returned his smile, her lips turned up at the corners shyly. The boy gave a poke at her cheeks, laughing as she gave a squeal in surprise.

Luna felt her heart contracting, cringing as a sharp jolt of pain spread through her. The boy seemed to feel her eyes upon him, his gaze falling on her as he turned to her direction. He froze, eyes widening. Then, as if he hadn’t seen her, he turned away, all smiles again. Luna felt her heart tearing up. The pain brought tears to her eyes, blurring her vision.

This isn’t so bad, she thought. I can’t see them anymore. She blinked a few times, turning away. Letting her fringe fall onto her eyes, she started a slow walk home. All about her, people stared. Luna bit her lip. Her broken soul bared in the lights, no matter how her eyes were hidden. Like she were made of glass, clearly visible with mirrors all about. There was nowhere to hide in the streets of Seoul.


Kibum took Amber’s hand in his, pulling her along to a corner of the street. His right hand was in his pocket, clasped tightly around a band of metal.

It’s white gold, the shop assistant had told him. It signifies pure and sincere love.

‘Kibum?’ Amber asked, eyes wide.

He held her shoulders gently, positioning her.

‘Amber …’ he began. He knelt down on one knee, losing his balance as he slid his left foot back too quickly on the powdery snow. He ended up prostrate before her feet, nose inches away from her gold flats.

Amber couldn’t help it - she started laughing.

‘Hey, not funny!’ Key whined, a faint smile hanging at his lips.

‘Sorry!’ Amber said breathlessly, pulling him back onto his feet.

‘Amber …’ Key said, his voice trailing off. He looked down and fumbled in his pocket. He pulled out the white band of metal. ‘I …’

He exhaled loudly as Amber took a sharp intake of air. She noticed it.

‘Ki-Kibum?’ Amber took a step back.

He gazed at her. He saw in her eyes, uncertainty, confusion, and fear. A sort of cold found its way into his heart. It slinked through without sound, taking care to press itself against the walls of his heart, his beating core of flesh and blood. His gaze stumbled to the ground and remained there, as though it were a withered flower unable to lift its head.

‘Here,’ he pressed the white gold band into her hands. ‘I think you know what I mean.’

Amber held up the band in the moonlight. It’s so … beautiful. She ran her thumb over the metal, savouring the cold smoothness. She smiled ironically, tears forming in her eyes. To think … he loves me so much. I love him so, I’m not ready for this. I don’t believe we’ll be happy, because I can’t do it. I can’t. She looked at Key apologetically, tears now streaming down her face.

‘Kibum, I … I’m sorr-’

‘It’s okay.’

Key took the band from her hands with a sharp snatch. Amber made a subconscious grab for it as he took it, feeling her eyes fill with more tears as she felt the sudden absence of the band. She looked down at her hands, shoulders heaving as she cried.

‘Goodnight, Amber.’ And with that Key was gone.

Key cried that night as he made his escape from Amber. His heart was torn up, bleeding but still beating. The pain seared through him, burning and chewing through his willpower to keep walking. He stumbled and fell on the pavement. Passers-by stared, laughing and whispering amongst themselves.

‘Fuck off,’ Key growled, attempting to hold back his tears to no avail. No one obliged, and his anger swelled. Key was so tired. So very worn out, both emotionally and mentally.

‘Fuck off …’ he whispered. His face crumpled, and the tears fell without resistance now. Why bother? There was nowhere to hide in the streets of Seoul.


‘I can’t do this anymore, Minho.’

Minho froze, his eyes fixated on the girl before him. He hugged her tightly, shaking his head in denial.

‘No, you don’t mean that, Krystal. You love me. I love you!’

Krystal pushed him away hesitantly. She did love him. He was the love of her life. There would never be another Minho. But … she was tired. Tired of running about with him like they were fugitives, of him pretending ‘they’ were non-existent every time the other SHINee members asked him if they were an item, of lying to Lee Soo Man whenever he asked if she were dating. All for a love she no longer felt like believing in. Krystal believed that love should be bold. The love that she shared with Minho was meek. It was cowardly. Krystal had had enough.

‘I’m so tired, Minho,’ Krystal said wearily. ‘I’m so tired.’

‘So am I, Soo Jung,’ Minho said softly. ‘But our love is all that matters, right?’

‘Yes, it’s all that matters, but you’re making it worth nothing to me!’ Krystal’s voice cracked as the conversation drove her closer and closer to crying.

‘Soo Jung, listen I-’ Minho pleaded.

‘No!’ Krystal took off before he could see her tears fall. She ran and ran and her tears streamed and streamed down to her jaw line, pausing a little at the edge before taking off and flying behind her.

‘Look Omma, that lady’s crying!’ a little boy said, tugging at the sleeves of his mother’s coat. His loud, shrill voice was heard by the crowd, whose gazes then followed his pointing finger to stare at her. Even as she ran further, Krystal felt their eyes follow her figure; their curious whispers fill the air.

She felt very exposed, as though she were a science experiment being examined and observed. She sighed. At least there was nowhere to hide in the streets of Seoul.

genre: angst, rating: pg, fandom: f(x), pairing: key/amber, pairing: minho/krystal, shinee: jonghyun, f(x): krystal, fandom: shinee, pairing: jonghyun/luna, f(x): amber, shinee: minho, f(x): luna, shinee: key

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