Title: Remus Lupin and the Revolt of the Creatures, Chapter Twelve: The Magic of Needs and Flames, part one
Author: PaulaMcG
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: (subtly, eventually) Remus/Sirius
Chapter summary: Remus returns to a childhood scene - also in a memory of how a goblin taught him a lesson.
Word count: around 5,700
Disclaimer: Remus won't help me
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Comments 2
As usual, your OCs are fully-developed and interesting, and Remus's backstory continues to unfold in compelling ways. I love watching Remus subtly challenge Dumbledore (who is very IC), and the device of having Remus write to Harry is very effective. It allows him (Remus) to distance his thoughts, give them coherence and order, and yet clearly, it's to himself that he writes as much as to anyone else.
I believe that at least subconsciously we only meant to make our world a better place.
Excellent line.
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