phone interview, round 1

Sep 25, 2013 19:08

My phone interview today went awesome! They are an IT consulting company for retail companies, but they are looking for a marketing copywriter & coordinator to handle their website maintenance and their marketing collateral, presentations, etc. There are some admin duties that are involved, like coordinating the holiday party and some other odds ( Read more... )


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Comments 2

helenatroy October 21 2013, 21:52:32 UTC
Hey - kind of totally random that I'm replying to your post - I meant to click on your bakebakebake post but clicked your name instead, and ended up reading this post. I really hope you get that job. I think I would let the references know asap. Better than them being surprised.

Best of luck - I hope you get that writing job!!


patsrockmybosox October 22 2013, 00:25:32 UTC
Haha super random! No worries though. This one actually didn't work out but I had another one tonight (just got home a little while ago, in fact) that went really well. I'll probably end up posting about it later. Feel free to add me as a friend :)


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