Apr 04, 2010 00:49

It's picspam time again. More TTOI pics, this time it's all the pics from the series 1 and 2 DVDs. Enjoy.

60+ images under the cut )

picspam, the thick of it/in the loop

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Comments 12

icecrystal2k April 4 2010, 00:28:11 UTC
Y halo thar, sideburns. :-P

Hahah! I didn't realize until that pic how noticeable they are!

Thank you for sharing! These are most excellent.


patsch April 4 2010, 21:07:15 UTC
I know. I never noticed them before either, but I like them. :)


itchy_stitches April 4 2010, 00:35:03 UTC
Malcolm tucker in a t-shirt and jacket - and with glasses - and drinking fresh coffee - and with some yoghurt pot/hand cream thing...

The softer home-time Malcolm heh.


patsch April 4 2010, 21:09:14 UTC
lol Next we'll be getting holidays snaps of Malcolm in Ibiza wearing shorts and a t-shirt.


arathesane April 4 2010, 00:45:05 UTC
Absolutely awesome. I think I like this one better than the last one, and I adored the last one!!!


patsch April 4 2010, 21:09:56 UTC
I'm glad you like them. And may I say, I love your icon!


arathesane April 4 2010, 21:16:57 UTC
Thanks! How can you not love Jamie?;)


suzler April 4 2010, 00:51:19 UTC
"Somebody please tell me I'm not the only one who finds Armando just adorable? <3"

You're not the only one! I'm a little bit in love with him. I feel bad saying this about a massively intelligent, razor sharp satirist, but he's so cute. <3


patsch April 4 2010, 21:14:45 UTC
Oh, I'm glad. And I know what you mean. I really admire him and his work, but he's just cute. XD


blood_skittles April 4 2010, 10:16:59 UTC
I love how Peter Capaldi has seemed to have aged with the show, he looks so much younger in this series. Aaah the stresses of a PR eh? :D


patsch April 4 2010, 21:15:51 UTC
Hah, yeah. Though I probably like him even more now. But it may just be the crappy suits he used to wear in series 1 and 2.


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