Mar 13, 2010 20:13

It's Saturday, which means it's picspam time (I have just decided).

This week: all the promo and behind the scenes pics from the TTOI Specials. Warning: may contain curiously attractive Scotsmen and Alex MacQueen.

60+ pics under the cut )

picspam, the thick of it/in the loop

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Comments 33

icecrystal2k March 13 2010, 21:09:16 UTC
Ooh, thank you so much for sharing! These are awesome. Do you mind if I save a few?

Stealthy!Jamie is stealthy. And very handsome.

Haha, I wouldn't want to meet him in a dark alley or, like, on the Savannah. He looks like he'd sink his jaws into the back of your neck and drag you up into a tree. Actually Malcolm looks like he's about to do the same in that picture right before that one...

Beautiful Alex Macqueen. That's all I can think to say, because his smile short-circuits my brain.


patsch March 13 2010, 21:18:56 UTC
Of course you can save them!

Haha! So now Jamie is a violent rabid hamster and some sort of lion?

Alex Macqueen's (is it MacQueen or Macqueen? I've seen both) smile makes me so happy. XD


icecrystal2k March 13 2010, 21:30:59 UTC
The concept of Jamie is wedded to the concept of raw animalism in my head. It's a good thing.

I'm not sure which way it's spelled! In the Series 3 TTOI credits it's "Macqueen", but I've seen it both ways too. And the BBC Four site about the specials spells it "McQueen". No one knows. He is apparently a man of smiley mystery, heheh.


patsch March 14 2010, 02:12:15 UTC
Oh, I wouldn't disagree. In my mind the words "wild" and "feral" are as closely connected to the image of Jamie as the words "psycho" and "anorak".

It's weird, isn't it? I'm starting to wonder if Armando only cast Alex in the role because of his surname, as his name fits into the tradition of names-that-can-be-spelled-in-many-different-ways.


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patsch March 13 2010, 21:19:21 UTC
You're welcome. :)


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patsch March 13 2010, 23:46:32 UTC
My pleasure. :)

Great icon, by the way.


arathesane March 13 2010, 23:22:59 UTC
Glorious picspam!!!

Do you mind if I save some of them? It is so hard to find good images for this show.


patsch March 13 2010, 23:47:25 UTC
Not at all! Unfortunately the quality isn't brilliant, but that's the best I could do with the software I've got at the moment.


remindmeofthe March 14 2010, 00:30:30 UTC
There are some lovely and iconable pictures in here. Thanks for sharing them!


patsch March 14 2010, 02:14:11 UTC
You're welcome! :)

I hope people will find good use for them. There can never be too many TTOI icons or graphics.


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