
Aug 25, 2006 03:14

When he woke up in the middle of the night the temperature seemed to have dropped significantly and a violent shiver ran through him as he slowly sat up, his brow furrowing as he noticed the windows were wide open: that didn't seem quite right. It certainly didn't feel right. With some trouble he climbed out off bed, closing all the windows, still ( Read more... )

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stormybrendan September 1 2006, 23:29:59 UTC
He hurriedly shoved the untouched glass back on the nightstand and stood, helping Patrick to sit up, swinging his legs off the bed. "Put y' arms around m' neck," he told him, ready to lift him up.


stormybrendan September 2 2006, 21:53:08 UTC
The glass met Patrick's lips and Brendan concentrated on making sure some actually went in, and not down onto the sheets. "Steady, don't want t' end up with a wet patch without the benefits, hey?" he joked to hide his concern at Patrick's temperature. It was really worrying him, but he hoped he was managing to hide it.


patrick_koster September 2 2006, 22:02:41 UTC
Patrick swallowed, the attempt at smiling in response to Brendan's words abandoned, the frown from before returning. "Speaking of which, aren't I far too young for prostate problems?" he asked, trying to keep his voice casual.


stormybrendan September 2 2006, 23:08:52 UTC
"Prostate?" Now he did frown. "What makes y' think that?"


patrick_koster September 2 2006, 23:11:58 UTC
"I were having a bit of trouble with that," Patrick muttered, tugging at his blanket and looking about as uncomfortable as he'd felt earlier. "It's probably nothing - was just wondering, really."


stormybrendan September 3 2006, 12:02:42 UTC
Brendan didn't know what to say as he didn't have a clue what might or might not be something that would be a symptom. "I dunno, Patrick," he finally muttered, rearranging the covers once Patrick had stopped fidgetting. He took some small relief from the fact Patrick seemed more lucid now, and wondered if the fever had in fact broken.


patrick_koster September 3 2006, 15:00:33 UTC
A small shudder ran down his spine and he tried to shrug. "I'm sure it's nothing." He cleared his throat and swallowed with some difficulty, still feeling a little nauseous. And cold. "I couldn't, well, piss," he murmured, voice barely audible and his gaze fixed on a spot on the wall behind Brendan's head.


stormybrendan September 3 2006, 21:30:39 UTC
"Wondered if y'd fallen down the bloody plug'ole," Brendan muttered, reaching over and picking up the face cloth. Squeezing it out again over the bowl he laid it down on the edge of the nightstand, looking at Patrick with concern. "Better get some more water in y' then, I reckon, in case y' dehydrated."


patrick_koster September 3 2006, 21:39:18 UTC
His eyes fluttered closed as he nodded. "Perhaps that's it then." He blinked his eyes open again, glancing at Brendan. "What time is it, mate?" he asked quietly, once again fidgeting with the covers, attempting to pull them up a bit higher.


stormybrendan September 3 2006, 22:08:22 UTC
"No idea," he replied, glancing across to the clock. "Half three," he added, once he'd read the glowing slits of light. "C'mon, have s'more of this," he said, encouragingly, trying to get Patrick to drink some more water.


patrick_koster September 3 2006, 22:15:12 UTC
"In the morning?" Patrick murmured, a confused look on his face as he obediently drank some of the water, shaking his head when he'd had enough. Finally managing to get the blankets up another inch or so, his cheeks flushed with the effort, Patrick's head dropped against the pillow, the sigh he uttered ending in a dry cough.


stormybrendan September 3 2006, 22:35:58 UTC
"No, in the bloody afternoon, that's why it's light 'n all," he retorted drily, covering up his concern. He put the glass back on the nightstand, relieved at least that Patrick had managed to drink some of it, and pressed the back of his hand to Patrick's forehead again. It still felt hot and he silently cursed, having hoped it might feel cooler again. Propping himself back so he was sitting on the edge of the chair again he looked at the huddled body in the bed, lips narrowing when another series of shivers ran through him. He didn't know what to do, and wasn't even going to suggest a hospital.


patrick_koster September 3 2006, 22:45:11 UTC
The sound of his voice muffled by the covers when he breathed, "It's not light, is it?" He didn't even realize his eyes had fallen closed again moments before, a frown crossing his face as another wave of nausea washed over him and he bit his lip and waited for his stomach to calm down again.


stormybrendan September 3 2006, 23:11:16 UTC
"No, it's not light," Brendan told him softly, chiding himself for his earlier retort. He saw Patrick's body curl up more. "Y' OK? Bowl's here if y' need it," he offered.


patrick_koster September 3 2006, 23:18:43 UTC
"I'd really rather not - " He didn't make it to the end of the sentence, gagging and coughing violently for a few seconds until he managed to calm down and breathe again. Shaking his head, Patrick exhaled slowly and whispered, "Sorry."


stormybrendan September 3 2006, 23:58:55 UTC
"For what?"


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