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Comments 18

leighleighla April 2 2010, 15:28:15 UTC
This this this this this.

This episode was amazing and so incredibly infuriating at the same time.

Seems to me, Dean's answering "All things considered" is turning out to have been incredibly loaded.

you know, when he said "And when dad came home" last night, it was the first time in all five seasons I wondered seriously if John ever hit them.


katiejo567 April 2 2010, 16:43:51 UTC
I started wondering the same thing. Only now I'm thinking that he may have only ever hit Dean, or he took most of his anger out on Dean because he knew/thought he could take it. :\


suzmc April 2 2010, 17:29:02 UTC
This whole thing with John and Mary was really good writing. So often, when a spouse dies the survivor elevates them to sainthood status out of guilt and sadness. John and Mary were a normal married couple who fought and loved and made a lot of mistakes. We did see a little bit of John's struggle in The Song Remains the Same when he was worried about losing his job. Wonder what he was wanting to do that Mary didn't want him to do? Maybe re-enlist? Go out of town for work? Who knows, but it was clear that he wanted to go somewhere without them. To leave them, even if it was for what he thought was a good reason.

Like Sam does.

I don't think the idea that John and Mary were a normal married couple who got pissed off and had problems means John was inherently a bad husband. He was just a guy who messed up like all guys to and when his wife died, he never got a chance to make those things up to her.


patita_fea April 2 2010, 23:48:43 UTC
I don't think the idea that John and Mary were a normal married couple who got pissed off and had problems means John was inherently a bad husband.

No, but in the light of everything else we know about him... I dunno, the man seems to get more dickish every time Show mentions him.

I do agree that the sacredness of her memory was probably enhanced by John's guilt.


labseraph April 2 2010, 16:24:26 UTC
All you said.

*points weakly above*

What a ride!


patita_fea April 2 2010, 23:49:42 UTC


dawnintheforest April 2 2010, 16:25:09 UTC
This review rocks! (And totally blew mine out of the water!) I'll have to return after work to comment further, I think. : )


patita_fea April 2 2010, 23:50:02 UTC
Thank you, ma'am!


katiejo567 April 2 2010, 16:48:15 UTC
I'm totally with you on Jensen's performance last night. Oooh lordy, it was NICE seeing him really give it his all. The last few episodes, it's been feeling like the writers were a little bored, so the actors were bored, and it was a chain reaction. Now the story is picking up, so everyone became excited about their jobs again. Yay! \o/

"And I got shivers when he stared down his murderer and warned, "When I come back, I'm gonna be pissed.""

Um, yeah. They're going to take away my tough girl street cred, but I have a kink for protective boys who can kick ass. Not jealous, over-protective boys who don't back off when you ask, but yeah. That scene poked right at that kink. GUH. *facepalm*


patita_fea April 2 2010, 23:51:16 UTC
The last few episodes, it's been feeling like the writers were a little bored, so the actors were bored, and it was a chain reaction.

This. I think you've got it spot on here, actually - they did seem bored.

They're going to take away my tough girl street cred, but I have a kink for protective boys who can kick ass.

I don't actually have any tough girl street cred, but... I share your kink. Yayyyy!


katiejo567 April 4 2010, 00:01:50 UTC
"This. I think you've got it spot on here, actually - they did seem bored."

My theory? The writers were pretty sure they were getting a 6th season. They wanted to keep the major stuff at the end of the season, so the year would go out with a bang. So, with a serious lack of relevant material to use, they tried to get all of the fan-service eps out of the way, and were less than thrilled about them. And Jared and Jensen take a look at the scripts and go "...really? Ok then." And that attitude showed.

The thing about Supernatural though, is that when it's bad, it's still usually pretty good,lol. So it wasn't an unbearable experience so far. :p

(Pssst: I don't really have tough girl street cred either. I probably should have phrased that as "modern woman who can take care of herself." :p)


ficwriter1966 April 2 2010, 20:38:37 UTC
Yes, totally - THIS was the show I fell in love with. The overall story moved forward, we got some important insights into several characters, it was genuinely moving and funny and quirky and interesting.

And. Oh yeah. No cannibalism. Always a plus.

This is one of the episodes I will happily, and anxiously, re-watch a number of times, looking for tidbits I missed. Definitely the best this season, and I think one of the 10 best overall.


patita_fea April 2 2010, 23:52:54 UTC
THIS was the show I fell in love with.

Exactly how I felt.



I hope it can continue to give you a lift while you're going through a hard time, boo.


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