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Comments 19

faithintheboys February 8 2010, 21:57:55 UTC
Aw, that's wonderful. I'm so happy they won!


patita_fea February 8 2010, 22:01:30 UTC

*spins in happy circles*


kjfri February 8 2010, 21:58:06 UTC
My most glorious Congratulations! I'm disappointed my blue&white boys lost but I could not be entirely sad about it - if we had to lose, I'm glad it was to such a worthy team. Well done, Saints, well. damn. done.


patita_fea February 8 2010, 22:05:04 UTC
Thank you for being such a gracious class act, lady.

And damn, did your Colts play hard. Manning and Addai (LSU alum, woot!) did some frighteningly good work, and they really had our number for at least the first half.

It was an amazing thing to watch, all told.


kjfri February 8 2010, 22:29:49 UTC
I'm proud of them, will always love Peyton - but that damn interception sealed our fate and gave the Saints that extra boost of can-do-it spirit that they rode onto the championship podium - but, awww - how cute was Brees holding up his son with the big ear protectors on...freakin adorable. (hey, at least now I'm hoping I can get my Colts AFC Conference hat cheaper now that they didn't win.)


patita_fea February 8 2010, 22:43:51 UTC
There were tears in his eyes. I totally cried too. *has the mushy sentimentalism*

That interception had the entire living room on our feet screaming and freaking out. And I loved the hands-on-hips Superman pose when Porter hit the end zone.

My dad texted me when they won: GO SAINTS
I said: WHO DAT
He said: Not Peyton. Poor man.
I said: hey now hes a nola boy and ADORABLE so :P


saberivojo February 8 2010, 22:05:17 UTC
Congrats babe I was thinking of you!


patita_fea February 8 2010, 22:08:54 UTC
Thank you so much!

Oh my god this is amazing!


kimmer1227 February 8 2010, 22:15:15 UTC
*wipes eyes*


*blows nose*


patita_fea February 8 2010, 22:18:40 UTC
I saw grown men cry. For reals. Not just some welling eyes and sniffles - actual, streaming tears.

*squeezes you* EEEEEEEE!


kimmer1227 February 8 2010, 22:27:57 UTC
When he got that interception I about shit my pants I was so excited. I think I scared my dogs with my sqeeing.

I was nervous there in the first half, but you came on strong in the second half. Your coach has balls of steal!

I can only imagine the level of partying going on. *hands you tylenol*


patita_fea February 8 2010, 22:29:51 UTC
Malibu and pineapple juice, you are a cruel, delicious mistress. *flips it the bird*

When Brees held his son after the game, tears in his eyes, I grabbed my roommate and hugged her tight. So much love. Sooooo much love.


teacup_lotus February 8 2010, 23:16:35 UTC
I dunno much about the Saints, but I fucking hate the Colts. ;-) Well done, Saints!


patita_fea February 9 2010, 19:28:48 UTC
I've got nothing against the Colts - in fact, I rather like Peyton Manning, because his daddy is our beloved Archie, and Addai went to LSU - but I was not at all sorry to see them walk off the field with their heads hung low.



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