SPN fic: If Ever I Cease to Love

Oct 20, 2009 00:09

Part Four
Genre: gen casefic
Characters: Dean, Sam, various OCs
Rating: R
Word Count: 5,500
Summary: In February of 2008, a hunt takes the Winchesters to New Orleans just in time for Mardi Gras. Dean's plan is to work the job, get elbow-deep in oyster po-boys, and hit the parade route. But what Dean plans and what takes place ain't ever exactly ( Read more... )

supernatural, gen, fanfic, nazareth verse

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Comments 13

erinrua October 20 2009, 06:33:18 UTC
Holy cow! I'd type something long and thinky and profound and detailed - but I'm still prying my freaking fingers out of the keyboard! LOL!

Girl, this is simply brilliant! I love, LOVE the idea of a cursed soul who simply *can't* be exorcised, a terrific twist that made my stomach sink, and Sam and Dean were so awesome and Dean was such an IDIOT - a glorious idiot, but STILL!

(And ewww, kissing the guy, LOL!)

This is wonderful and amazing and wow. I love your fic-alicious brain. I do. :-)


patita_fea October 20 2009, 17:50:23 UTC
I am so pleased and proud that the suspense and the action worked for you. It's not my forte, I haven't really done it before, so... Thank you so much!

And ewww, kissing the guy, LOL!
Dude couldn't have brushed his teeth for, like, days.

*glee* Thank you!


kimmer1227 October 20 2009, 11:43:20 UTC
Niiiiiice! I love your twisty brain. Definitely a fresh take on the possession thing. Pretty damn smart of Dean to remember his anti possession tat.

I would ramble on about Dean and Maria and Sam and James and the deal and awesomeness, but I must get ready for work.

Can't wait to see how this plays out.


patita_fea October 20 2009, 17:53:34 UTC
Yay, the Kim likes her fic! *dances*

Last part tonight. *bites nails* I hope I can wrap 'er up to everybody's general satisfaction.

Also, really hoping I can pounce on you on Yahoo chat sometime tonight. I have the SQUEE and the mad LOVE and SMISHIES for you.


kimmer1227 October 20 2009, 18:01:01 UTC
Yes on the chat thing. Will we being continuing our previous plotty conversation? Or are you wanting a live Jax chat? Both sound fun.

You BEST post this before Sons comes on. *looks at your sternly*


patita_fea October 21 2009, 13:34:18 UTC
*totally fails at Intarwebz*

I'm so sorry I wasn't around last night. Can try again soon?


randomstasis October 20 2009, 12:18:27 UTC
Great story, nicely done!
I liked the brothers' shorthand communication throughout, on just about everything-and that they both know what the other is thinking, where to take it and how to use it-you really showed how well they get each other.
And poor Dean, wanting to do Mardi Gras one last time-but not in a tux:D- and gleeing over the clown float, worrying about Elena's opinion (still, poor boy!)and Sam feeling left out because he doesn't get the city's PTS thing-yeah, there's a list of bits that made me grin, all the way through.
Thanks! Will there be more?


patita_fea October 20 2009, 17:55:06 UTC
Thank you so much for reading and leaving such a thoughtful, specific comment. Stuff like that is my authorial crack - no lie.

There will be one more part posted tonight, and after that I'm sure I'll play around with these characters again.



katiejo567 October 20 2009, 14:46:13 UTC
I really wish they'd introduce this demon on the show. It's a great concept, the fact that there is no way to exorcise this thing. The vanquish for it was really cool too, and you kept the characters true to their show counterparts in the solution. Of course Sam would see it as an opportunity and be crushed when it wasn't, and of course Dean would look to sacrifice himself. And the punch in the nose was perfect, it fit really well.

My favorite lines:

“I’m sorry you’re uncomfortable with the way I’m trying to save your life.”

“This plan was not nearly as gay in my head,” Dean muttered (Hee. *g*)

And the whole punch scene. Just put that in quotes for me. :p

P.S. I love how Sam turns into College Boy at the first hint of an academic challenge. The way you write him, he was so That Kid in school who commandeered his dorm room during finals week and essentially kicked his roommate out so his "knowledge flow" wouldn't be disturbed. :p


patita_fea October 20 2009, 17:57:16 UTC
I really wish they'd introduce this demon on the show.
Guh. That particular compliment kind of rendered me speechless with warm fuzzies.

Thank you so much for the luvverly feedback. I cannot tell you how much I appreciate hearing what you liked and what worked and what made you smile. Really, thank you.


katiejo567 October 22 2009, 02:00:07 UTC
You're very welcome. *G*


kjfri October 20 2009, 17:35:48 UTC
So typical of me to jump into a fic right where all the amazing action happens...so please excuse me as I head back to read from the beginning. but so you don't have to wait for me to catch up - this was wonderfully brilliant and smart! I love the ugly cat container for the soul and Dean's last minute crazy plans. great, great, GREAT work! off I go, back to the beginning...


patita_fea October 20 2009, 17:58:13 UTC
Thank you so much! And I really hope you enjoy the first few chapters too. :D


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