SPN 5.03 Free to Be You and Me

Sep 24, 2009 20:03

Is Sam wearing lipstick? He is. He's wearing just a leetle bit of pink lipstick.

Spoilers for all aired episodes. )

supernatural, episode reaction, wtf

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Comments 13

suzmc September 25 2009, 02:20:41 UTC
Well, I think we all kinda knew that it was heading this way. I think what the powers that be (angels and demons) didn't count on was that the boys are going to refuse to play.

I truly felt for Sammy. He tried to get out, to hide, and he just can't. You can't run from who you are, ever. You just have to put on your big girl panties and fight. (Of course, the sight of those arms swabbing the counter top...holy shit.)

I love Cas trying to find his way. He wants to understand humanity, to know what they are about since his life as an angel is in such a shambles. He's trying on the language and the rest, but he's still who he is. A son who is a true believer and trying to find his Father.

I loved at the end when Dean was telling Cas to stick to what he knows in his heart to be true.

this is some heavy shit indeed.


patita_fea September 26 2009, 04:49:15 UTC
Of course, the sight of those arms swabbing the counter top...holy shit.
And we got shirtless!Sam too! Shallow!Duckie was shallow. :D

I loved at the end when Dean was telling Cas to stick to what he knows in his heart to be true.
I love the fact that Mr. No Chick Flick Moments has consistently been the show's maternal figure, offering support and quiet encouragement to various people who wander into the frame with hangdog looks. He's an insensitive jackass right up until he gets how much it means to them, and then he starts using phrases like "I knew in my heart..."

Personally, my favorite Cas moment was his look of utter TERROR in the whorehouse. *glee*


kimmer1227 September 25 2009, 02:36:38 UTC
I'll have to watch it a few more times, but I'm mostly underwhelmed. It had a few awesome moments, but not enough. I definitely could have done without the brothel moments. Well, it was kinda cute, but why would Dean think Cas has had sex? I think if they had approached it differently I would have liked it more. Maybe ( ... )


patita_fea September 26 2009, 05:06:54 UTC
Liked bartender Sam, but hated the hunters. They lacked substance or something. The girl didn't bother me as much. I take it you didn't like her much. *snert*
The guys in normal jobs, doing normal things like the everyday simplicity of wiping down a bar (or a car) really appeals to me for whatever reason. So yeah, bartender!Sam pushed that button for me. But the hunters just didn't make sense to me. Their plan was to get Sam hopped up on demon blood and set him loose to wreak havoc? Did it not occur to them that they'd be the first bugs squished? *irritable headshake*

And, um, no, not so much with the Lindsay love. Because, I mean, who DOES that? Who badgers a stranger about his personal life, says a date is the "only way to avoid bloodshed," and generally acts like an entitled stalker who's only heard of flirtation by rough description?


I don't know about Dean. It was great seeing him having a good time. He's a pro at deflecting, but I think he truly was happy. Mostly.On a rewatch, I'mma have to agree with you. ( ... )


kimmer1227 September 26 2009, 15:03:22 UTC
It's just that JPad's face gets kind of twitchy when he's trying to indicate strong emotion, and it just...

... wigs me out. It's eyebrow acting. There's an actor on Days of our Lives who's made a science of eyebrow acting. Jared's is more of a twitch, but still. Not a good technique. Jared, you're so much better than that.

I did like it better after a few rewatches, but still not as good as the first two.


patita_fea September 27 2009, 02:55:04 UTC
... wigs me out.



leighleighla September 25 2009, 02:53:19 UTC
xcept for how that is obviously a load of bullshit piled ten feet high to hide the gaping hole in him.

You know I think he truly feels that way right now. He might not in like...one episode, but...right now? I think he really feels that he is happier without Sam around. I like it. I think it's interesting.


patita_fea September 26 2009, 05:14:16 UTC
You know I think he truly feels that way right now.

I've rewatched and rethought, and, as I said at length to Kim above, I think you've got a point here.

This is the first time that he's ever unburdened himself of responsibility for Sam's choices and Sam's ultimate fate, and the sense of relief alone must be heady. The Winchesters had been doing the Masochism Tango for years. Everything was destiny, death, and doom. So, yeah, a breather is probably much appreciated.

I just think JAckles' expression made it very clear that "Hell, I'm happy" was a generous overstatement. I feel like maybe Dean's figuring out that he is capable of doing ALONE, but he doesn't much care for it.


katiejo567 September 25 2009, 03:16:00 UTC
*sigh* This episode just hurt, didn't it? I dunno, for me, it hurt sooo gooood. I get the feeling that it wasn't the same for you?

"Well, isn't that tidy. Sam and Dean, vessels to the champions of the opposing sides. I'm... a little annoyed by the symmetry"

I get the exasperation here, especially since we all called it years ago, but if you think about it? We called it because the story is coming to an end (which, :(!!!!, but that's another thing.) Some plot lines are going to start locking into place. I'd rather stuff like this be predictable than to have the powers that be throw something else at us that just wouldn't fit at all.


patita_fea September 26 2009, 06:28:58 UTC
I just found myself frustrated by the non-progress on Sam's storyline. Of course, I've seen other people post that they loved all the ANGST, so mileage varies. :)

Some plot lines are going to start locking into place. I'd rather stuff like this be predictable than to have the powers that be throw something else at us that just wouldn't fit at all.
This is a very good point, actually. Much as we like being surprised, maybe it's a good thing that the show's internal logic holds together well enough for really invested fans to see this stuff coming.


katiejo567 September 26 2009, 18:54:40 UTC
Yeah, they had Sam take 3 steps forward and about ten steps back in this one. He did take some steps, though. He doesn't think he's hopeless anymore. Or, he didn't, before Lucifer crashed the party. And as angsty as his storyline was, I loved how gentle he was with Jess. You mentioned up thread how you loved his body language, and I actually think those scenes helped his development too. We don't ever see Sam showing that kind of emotion. We get a lot of misery and anger and no quiet reflection. It was nice to see Sam just being Sam.


patita_fea September 27 2009, 02:56:54 UTC
You mentioned up thread how you loved his body language, and I actually think those scenes helped his development too. We don't ever see Sam showing that kind of emotion.

It's also nice to see how the Winchesters behave with someone they love and trust and feel comfortable touching. We see that about as often as we see the universe cutting them some slack.


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