Erm, sorry?

May 09, 2009 14:30

I have done a bad thing. *hangs head* Last night I left a note on my dad's shoulder while he slept:

If a daddy snores on a sofa, and no one is there to hear... does he make a noise?

When Papa woke up, he was Not Impressed by the philosophical musings. Not At All Impressed.

the waking world, idiocy, wtf

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Comments 9

annj_g80 May 9 2009, 19:37:13 UTC
*lol* Awesome! Can I use this when my bf falls asleep on the sofa next time? *snorts*


patita_fea May 9 2009, 19:38:41 UTC
Do it do it do it!



annj_g80 May 9 2009, 19:40:19 UTC
I will. Promise. Including photographic and audio evidence *lol*


elanurel May 9 2009, 20:04:47 UTC
That's kinder than waking him up and telling him to stop snoring. ;)

(Although, the last time I did that to my husband, it was really one of the cats that was snoring. *face palms* )


patita_fea May 9 2009, 22:06:02 UTC
"Daddy. Daddy, wake up."
"You were snoring."
"Was not."
"Yes, you were."
"I did'n hear snor'n."


elanurel May 10 2009, 23:25:58 UTC
My conversations with the cat don't go nearly so well, though she's easier to move. ;)


(The comment has been removed)

patita_fea May 9 2009, 22:07:20 UTC
Pobrecitos. I always wonder how well they can possibly sleep with their breathing all wonked out like that.


kimmer1227 May 9 2009, 20:56:33 UTC
That's very original, Ducks. Too funny.

He should have appreciated your creativity.


patita_fea May 9 2009, 22:08:12 UTC
Maybe he secretly appreciated my Funneh; he just couldn't say so after all the years he's spent insisting, "I don't snore. I've never heard me snore. I don't know what you're all talking about."


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