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Comments 13

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patita_fea April 3 2009, 02:27:31 UTC
Kripke apologized for "Bugs." And the writers practically called themselves little better than penthouse forum writers. And Sera's joke about the show being a cult hit when someone got the tattoo, and the boys using their actual tattoos to prove that they're...

Ah! The meta-funny! The meta-thinky! And it worked as an intense, dramatic story, too.

I am such a happy fangirl right now.


eido April 3 2009, 02:42:00 UTC
They were dissing us, but they were dissing themselves too (the "prophet" is a half-crazed, tired, boozed-out shut-in) and the digs at "Bugs" ("You guess had to go through the bugs?") and "Route 666" ("Racist truck"). LOL It's all in the absurdity of fandom and sometimes the writing process itself.


patita_fea April 3 2009, 02:53:10 UTC
I loved the great confabulation of mockery going on. It was funny, and it felt like one big huge in-joke with the fans.

*cheerleads for Kripke*


saberivojo April 3 2009, 02:47:46 UTC
I really got a kick out of this. I grinned through most of it. "I am the prophet CHUCK! " How funny is that? You gotta love when the writers make fun at themselves and us too. That is ok, I can laugh at myself and do most of the time.


patita_fea April 3 2009, 02:54:25 UTC
And "You should have seen Luke." *glee* The writers had a ball, and it showed. I had a ball, too.


kimmer1227 April 3 2009, 03:12:06 UTC
OMG! Too cool.

I loved the part when the girl was going thru all the boys traumas, especially about Dean crying.

Isn't there a real Simpatico! I remember her name. All the cracks on fandom, especially the complaining fans. And slash! "They do know we're brothers, right? Bwah!

The prophet Chuck! Must watch again ASAP.


patita_fea April 3 2009, 15:01:18 UTC
I loved when she said she didn't want any smart-ass article making fun of her boys. Fan protectiveness of characters, wheee!

Yeah, there was a real simpatico on the TWOP boards. I don't know whether she ever said anything about storylines being craptastic, though. *shrug*

"You should have seen Luke." Oh, Cas, is that a sense of humor I'm hearing?


erinrua April 3 2009, 05:34:31 UTC
Dudes, we was roasted! It was AWESOME! Because they roasted themselves, TOO! EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!

There was some actual thinky good stuff, too, but yeah. This was good stuff. Heh. MOAR, PLEEZE!


patita_fea April 3 2009, 15:04:40 UTC
I've seen a few people who were uncomfortable or outright offended by the fan roasting. I can understand the feeling of being "outed," but it was done with such self-referential affection that I just...

Nah. I'm still laughing.


erinrua April 3 2009, 23:42:30 UTC
LOL, we were totally outed, but seriously, it don't take much. We're not very easy to miss! Hee!


patita_fea April 5 2009, 01:24:06 UTC
*gleeface* I mean, really. We're all here talking about ghosts and demon blood and suicidal teddy bears. Of course it's ridiculous. Of course we should be laughing.

Yay, Kripke!


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