Title: My Brother's Keeper
Fandom: LOST
Characters: Esau and Jacob
Rating: PG
Word Count: 108
Summary: prompt - smoke, written for
lost_in_108 (banner by
angeldylan628 )
They spin in endless circles, black and white melting into grey, until they can no longer convince each other that I'm the good guy.
Esau (that's what Jacob calls him, thinks it's funny) strikes a match and watches as the jungle goes up in flames. He tastes the smoke on the air, it's the taste of freedom.
Jacob, predictable as always, enters with the rain. The trees hiss a sigh of relief, and cold water drips off Jacob's nose. He shakes it from his hair. "You know this is pointless, my friend."
"And why is that?"
Stars turn to dust as Jacob smiles. "Because we're both already dead."