Title: Man's Best Friend
Fandom: LOST
Characters: Vincent, Shannon, Sayid
Rating: G
Word Count: 108
Summary: prompt - cheer, written for
lost_in_108 He remembered sitting beside her, nudging the stick closer to her hand. "Go away, Vincent," she said, sniffling, but he waited patiently.
After a while he picked up the stick, wagging his tail as he dropped it in her lap. "Dumb dog."
Vincent tilted his head, waiting. She stared back, her eyes sad. "No."
He leaned forward and licked her face. "Eww," she shrieked. Then she giggled. "Fine, you want to play?" She stood up and threw the stick, and he raced off to retreive it.
Now, the girl's mate sat on the beach alone, and sad. Vincent sat beside him, stick in his mouth.
He would wait.