Title: fills my head up and gets louder Fandom: LOST Characters: Ilana/Ben Rating: PG-13 Word Count: 630 Summary: There's nothing left. Ilana keeps fighting anyways. (for weatheredlaw , requested here.)
Second: This whole story. The way he just says her name and it brings her back, like it helps her understand that she's just as important as anyone else. And not just jacob's tool. That she is human. And the acknowledgement that Ben's a coward, how it saved her and she still doesn't understand or know how to appreciate it.
Comments 4
First of all, your header right now. LOVE.
Second: This whole story. The way he just says her name and it brings her back, like it helps her understand that she's just as important as anyone else. And not just jacob's tool. That she is human. And the acknowledgement that Ben's a coward, how it saved her and she still doesn't understand or know how to appreciate it.
I won't let you go.
Ben's version of "I'll have you." maybe?
I'm really glad you like the name part. I liked the idea but wasn't sure it worked outside my head.
she's just as important as anyone else. And not just jacob's tool. That she is human.
Ohh, this exactly. It's like, she's so used to being treated as a means to an end that she's come to believe it of herself.
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