Too Much Spam for My Taste buds

Jan 10, 2013 18:55

So, guys, I've called Livejournal my blogging home for quite a few years now. I've even stayed after many bloggers fled. But the spam in the comments has finally driven me to start using Blogger.  I tried restricting my comments to only LJ users. That stopped the spam, but it also kept a lot of my friends from commenting.

If you frequent Blogger ( Read more... )

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Comments 7

wyld_dandelyon January 11 2013, 00:20:10 UTC
I'm happy to follow you there, but I don't always manage to read LJ...not sure I'll actually see your posts on a regular basis. Can you cross-post?


patesden January 11 2013, 00:33:05 UTC

I'd love to have you follow me. I don't comment on your posts often, but I do read them regularly. Actually, I use Twitter to know when new posts go up and what people are doing.

I probably will cross-post. I just haven't taken the time to figure out how to do it.


wyld_dandelyon January 11 2013, 00:52:34 UTC
You might even be able to set the cross posts here to end "please comment over there".


But yeah, I know those "I haven't figured that out yet, I know I _could_ figure it out, but I'm already short on time for errands, chores, and creative pursuits" blues.


Re: patesden January 11 2013, 01:09:33 UTC

I'll probably end up asking someone who already does it. It seems better to spend my time writing than figure out cross-posting or removing spam :)


robinellen January 11 2013, 02:50:11 UTC
I hardly notice the spam (I just delete it as a matter of fact), but I'm sorry you're leaving (though I understand). I don't really look at blogspot, but if you cross-post ever, I'll definitely drop in :)


patesden January 11 2013, 03:01:49 UTC

I was fine with deleting until I got 18 spam comments in less than an hour.

Yeah, I'm definitely will try and get cross-posting up and running.


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