Oh, and I was looking through all my saved fics and this is so irrelevant but I just remember it being super good so you should tots read it: http://battie-hattie.livejournal.com/5413.html (Brendon/Ryan)
God, sorry, I'm wasted. And I'm leaving now. Byeeeeeeeeeee
Comments 2
http://bandombigbang.livejournal.com/50832.html (Jon/Ryan)
http://lilywhitelilith.livejournal.com/13733.html (Brendon/Ryan)
http://beggarsnotes.livejournal.com/30927.html (Brendon/Ryan)
Oh, and I was looking through all my saved fics and this is so irrelevant but I just remember it being super good so you should tots read it: http://battie-hattie.livejournal.com/5413.html (Brendon/Ryan)
God, sorry, I'm wasted. And I'm leaving now. Byeeeeeeeeeee
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