Title: It was in another lifetime
Chapter Title: I just want to break you down so badly…
Pairing: Unknown
Fandom: The Horrors
Rating: NC-17
POV: 3rd Josh Centric
Writer: Well it hasn’t changed since last time.
Beta: (this is new) the_sidewinder
Summery: All his life Joshua has suffered from vivid nightmares, about white rooms and the smell of his own blood
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Comments 8
I love this even though I'm not familiar with this band. ( are they english?)
the detail is amazing as I've stated before.
so yeah :)
I'm glad you like this fic, yeah The Horrors are an English band, this is Josh btw: http://i202.photobucket.com/albums/aa5/patchworkwounds/Asorted%20images/thehorrorsicantabria0451.jpg He plays guitar because guitarists are awesome ;)
Just in case you were wondering what they were like
louder now's a pretty awesome record-have you heard tell all your friends? thats pretty neat too.
when i lived in england I was really into the british indie acts but its hard to keep up over here.
sorry for this pointless long comment on nothing. i apologise ;)
Love it
C xxx
Now I think about it, I'm not even sure what's happening to him.....
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