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Comments 6

lady_invidia March 4 2012, 19:48:13 UTC
I'm sorry to hear this hun, when everything bad seems to come at once it's hard to stay afloat. You make a good point about telling people you love them, I know I never leave someone without saying it, even if we're fighting.

Sherlock says -

... )


seraphprowess March 5 2012, 05:59:30 UTC
First of all, props to lady_invidia for the Sherlock gif.

Wenders, Thank you a million times for saying that, AND EVEN MORE, thank you times a million bajillion for coming to be w/me when it happened AND for letting me squeeze the crap out of your hand during the funeral. You are the BEST friend a girl could EVER ask for! *break to find a tissue*
I MISS YOU AND LOVE YOU more than I can put into words! <3 <3 <3

I never had quite the wonderful adventure you did w/any grade school teachers, but I did recently friend my favorite one of them on facebook. It's sad, though, that she found me after she saw the news about my dad. I have ABSOLUTELY NO DOUBT that Mrs. Fortenberry knows how much you absolutely love and adore her, if nothing else, by your actions alone. I'm glad she was able to play such a special role in your life, and I can't imagine you didn't play one in hers!

The only person I know obsessed w/Wizard of Oz is my mother, and that is a bit different since it's been since her own childhood, and we've only lived in Kansas for (OMG) 10 ( ... )


sigma7 March 6 2012, 14:17:30 UTC
FYI, I don't know how well you got along with him (me, I always did) and I hate to just add fuel to the fire...but Todd Simon had a heart attack and died last night.

Now that March 6 is here and Mass Effect 3 has been released, the rest of the entire goddamn month can go to hell. It's been entirely too much already.


patchsassy March 6 2012, 17:25:50 UTC
He gave me an A in law, so he's good in my book. Or was. Kerry found out last night from Barb Smith (she's up in Fort Wayne).

So yeah...my high school teachers in Kansas should be wary. The people from my education have been dropping like flies lately.

I'm just concentrating on getting through this week without murdering anyone (oh my god, you should have seen me when I got home from a six-hour marathon session at the library. I was about ready to go insane because my group basically came in, did a half-assed job on their slides and then totally punked out after about an hour and a half on a project that is worth 40 percent of our grade.) and getting to fucking Spring Break. It needs to be here yesterday. We were going to stop off in Manhattan on Saturday and do some shopping, but when I realized it was Fake Drunk Fest, I was like...um, fuck no. We'll just stop on the way back.


sigma7 March 6 2012, 17:53:26 UTC
Haven't talked to Barb Smith in ages. I lost track of her after she went back east, but we always got along quite well.

Yeah, I left the house for maybe 10 minutes late Friday night and not at all again the entire weekend. Guh.

And I've had a very very bad taste in my mouth about group projects since I got saddled with the most immature adult students in one of my arts classes and they completely wimped out on me and proceeded to snicker and giggle at any nudity like nine-year-olds during everyone else's presentation. I shouldn't need to be graded on my capacity to tolerate profound idiocy and contempt for education.

Seriously, if you did snap and start going kung fu on every/anyone around you, jot me down as a witness for the defense on grounds of justifiable kickassery. Some people just need the stupid slapped out of them.


golden_kimono March 6 2012, 23:25:29 UTC
So many bad things happening over such a short period of time... I'm sorry you're having such bad luck. I'm glad you at least have some good memories of them. ♥


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