Title: The Art of Falling Short
Pairing: Yesung/Sohee, hints of Kangin/Eeteuk and Hanchul.
Rating: PG
Word Count: 2,232
Notes: Excessive pointing and laughing at Yesung’s fail, outrageous idol shenanigans.
“How old are you again? The boys in my class don’t act like you.” )
Comments 20
yesung is unconscious, then sohee would jump in and pulls him up the the surface, he's not breathing, she gives him CPR and something somethig something happens LOL
Oh god, all the variety show references were just perfect and amazing. Sohee's wit~~ Too cute. And of course Yesung was just the epitome fail throughout, as it should be. And the ending!! SO PERFECT. This fic made my night LIFE. ♥
I loved their awkward dancing together on Every1 Idol, and Yesung practically dragging her across the gym floor, so it felt appropriate to include them. XD
poor Yesung gets bullied b everyone T^T but Hae's “Even girls make Yesung cry!” is win!! =P
their disguises are so funny!hahahaha loved it xD
Hankyung looked to be completely lost in the maze that was the amusement park. Anyone could recognize the ‘no, I do not understand, help’ expression.
lol Hannie! =p that expression is too cute on Hannie! >_<
“Aiden Lee, reporting for duty!” was the fuzzy reply from the walkie-talkie.
“Donghae, are you in the animal suit?”
rofl cute!
Fire burns and ice is cold and fangirls are dangerous, dangerous people, Yesung concluded sensibly.
very very true :D
That’s when Yesung fell into the pond.
gah!! Yesung! what perfect timing you have >_<'
lolz love it!! =p
I love Hankyung's 'buh' expression.
:( Hey, in his defense, Sohee called him amazing. That warrants falling off the boat. not
Thanks for reading~
lol i'm not dissing Yesung if that's what you mean ;O i LOVE Yesung~ i just think that it's so cute that he chose that particular moment to fall off XD
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She learns from the best!
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