Fandom: Bad Girls
Author: Outsidethebx
Pairing: Helen and Nikki
Archiving: P&P,
Summary: Helen/Nikki Drabble
Disclaimer: I have no ownership of Bad girls
Helen made it a point to arrive at work a bit early every morning to catch a glimpse of Nikki working in the garden. Aside from her daily reading, Nikki’s only joy was gardening, and she never failed to put all her passion into the few flowers and bushes Larkhall provided. Seeing the inmate work so diligently always pleased her.
Helen peeked inside the potting shed and caught Nikki bending over a bag of soil, totally oblivious to her presence. She quietly closed the door and walked up behind the tall brunette, placing both hands around her waist and whispering in her ear:
“Still ‘aven’t figured out how to behave yourself then?”
Nikki whirled around and attempted to kiss her wing governor, but she was blocked with a playful look that demanded an explanation.
“Well, you know me, Miss, every time my gob’s open, I get into trouble. I just can’t seem to learn my lesson, can I?”
“For god’s sake, Nikki, you’re a grown woman. Do you need an escort to my office every time you’re on report in order to discuss your punishment? Maybe then you would figure out how things work around here.”
Helen leaned forward and swatted her inmate while making sure to stay far enough away to deny the wanted kiss.
With a smile dancing on her lips, Nikki replied, “Oh yes, Miss, that sounds about right. You can expect me on report in an hour.”
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