Ditch The Halo: Chapter 6A (All My Children/The L Word Crossover)

Mar 06, 2008 22:27

Title: Ditch The Halo
Author: cgirl

Rating: R for mature themes. Please read responsibly.
Archiving: Only for Passion & Perfection
Fandom: All My Children, The L Word
Pairing: Bianca Montgomery/Bette Porter, Bianca Montgomery/Maggie Stone
Note: I shall be posting new chapters daily. And don't worry if you don't follow the ABC soap opera, All My Children. I only know it through the YouTube videos. Trust me; it won't take much to catch on to the action. Thanks very much for the feedback!

Extra Note: The timeline for Bette is midway through Season 4 - After her and Tina have agreed to joint custody of Angelica, but before Bette meets Jodi Lerner.

Chapter 1: I'm A Bomb

Chapter 2: We Be Like This

Chapter 3: "Oh, F*ck!" And Other Such Important Realizations

Chapter 4: Wherein More Sh*t Hits The Fan

Chapter 5: Don't You Dare Stop Doing What You're Doing

Disclaimer: Bette Porter and Angelica belong to The L Word and Illene Chaiken. Bianca, Maggie, Kendall, Greenlee and other AMC characters belong to AMC/ABC.

Visual Reference:
1. Ms. Porter's wardrobe from the club scene in this chapter is from Tom Ford's first iconic collection he did for Gucci in '95. Okay, so it's somewhat dated. But it's still a classic look, and it was a truly mind-blowing collection. Ms. Porter is wearing that top and jacket, but I'm switching the pants to black leather pants. Here's the look, worn by the gorgeous Amber Valletta: http://www.catwalking.com/showbrief/showcase/images/X229.jpg

You may now commence drooling.

2. I put Bianca in a silk Yves Saint Laurent cocktail dress. See: http://www.designerexposure.com/images/pro...435_1_large.jpg

You may now continue drooling.

Audio Reference:
1. Bianca and Bette and dancing to this song by the Crystal Method.




The door opened. "Okay, Mags, I'm here. What's the emergency?"

"I need an accomplice."

"Um, for a crime?"

"No, Jamie! God, this maybe Pine Valley, but I'm not crazy. Yet. For going out."

"I'm so not following."

"Okay, I'll speak slowly. James?"


"I'm going to a club. I need some support. That would be you."

"You want me to go to a club with you?"


"Is this a strip club? Why do you need support??"

"No, it's not a strip club! Gawd, one-track mind! It's a gay club!"

"Whoa! Mags, I may be built, and yeah, I dress well and have killer looks, but, um, I'm not, y'know...gay!"

"Focus, Martin! Not you. Me!"


"Yeah. Oooooh. So I need some moral support, and all that jazz. Are you in?"

"Wait, what if I get hit on by a guy there??"

"Jamie, when was the last time you got laid?"

"Um. I'd rather not say."

"Oh, Gawd, it was me, wasn't it?"

"Hey! I plead the fifth! At least if Bush has still left the Fifth Amendment there..."

"Don't worry. He's left it in because he may need it at some point!"

"Well what if some hot dude hits on me?"

Maggie rolled her eyes. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw a solution. The butter knife. She walked over the to kitchen counter and picked it up, advancing on Jamie. "Whoa, Mags, what the fu--"

"Oh, relax, Jamie. I'm not going to do any permanent damage. Now, kneel."

"What? Maggie, have you been dipping into Greenlee's stash of magic pills?"

"Jamie. Do you trust me?"

"I'm not sure I should answer that right now."

"C'mon, just go with the flow. Now, kneel."

"Christ, what a guy will do for some ass..."

"Not just any ass, but my ass. Which is fantastic, mind-blowing ass. Now, kneel."

"Okay, okay, just don't do anything drastic."

She touched the butter knife to his right shoulder, then to his left shoulder. "By the power invested in me by the Questioning People of The World, I hereby knight you an Honorary, Temporary Lesbian for tonight."

"Oh, ha ha, Maggie. I think all this questioning has seriously rotted your brain!"

"Well I had to think of something, you dolt! Now if some studly man hits on you, you can just tell him you're a lesbian. And, believe me, if all it took was getting on your knees to get your sexuality confirmed, I'd have done..."

"Oh, go on! Don't stop now! You were saying?? You'd have been kneeling at the altar of Bianca??"

"You know, Jamie, I am studying to be a doctor. I am still holding a blunt, metal instrument in my hand..."

"Mags. Seriously. Why this sudden rush to go to a gay club?"

"Because, Jamie, there are things that I need to figure out. Remember how I said I was going nuts about not understanding my sexuality?"

"I thought that had to just with Bianca."

"Yes. Yes, it does. But I need to figure out exactly what I want, because...because I need to know, okay? For my own sanity, and I need to be able to tell her what I know. One way or another. And I'm running out of time..."

"Time for what, exactly?"

"Time to get her to see what could be. Now, are you in or are you out?"

"Is that a gay joke?"


Bianca was staring. She knew she was staring, but who could really blame her? Walking towards here was a vision. A vision bearing their drinks, but she was focused on the sway of Bette's hips to an extent that she had blocked out all other visual imagery. It was hypnotic, really, and Bianca felt her whole body react to her approaching lover. She wanted to get on her knees and...

"Wherever you went, it looked like somewhere I'd like to be." Bette smiled at her, as she handed Bianca her Cosmo.

Bianca just smiled cheekily, when before she would have blushed. "Oh, believe me, when I say you'd have really liked to be there."

"You know, there are bathrooms in this club."

"You know, I remember the bathrooms in this club. One stall in particular."

"Ah, good times."


A silence fell over them as they leaned back in their booth and surveyed the writhing masses before them, the techno beat playing fast and furious around them.

"When does your flight leave?"

"I have to go in a couple of hours to get to the airport on time."

"You're traveling dressed like that?"

Bette winked at her. "What? Too much?"

"Not if you plan on joining the mile high club."

Bette laughed. "Change of clothes in my carry-on."

Bianca looked away, not able to look at Bette just then. What was supposed to be a throwaway experience, a frivolous indulgence, an easy distraction had somehow becoming something else. Was nothing easy? Did nothing stay easy?

She didn't know what to say now. She and Bette hadn't spoken of any future, because she knew that there was none. There was, of course, affection. But that didn't mean they would keep in touch, or remain friends even. Maybe it was simple; two days of mindless sex, mind-blowing discoveries, and passing affection. Maybe this was simple and she was just over-thinking things. This could be as simple as it gets.

Because Bianca's heart was with someone else, and Bette had to leave. Her heart, her beating heart...had been irrevocably lost years ago. And no one, not even the woman sitting next to her now, as brilliant and gorgeous and sure of herself as Bette was, could have gotten Bianca's heart back from its current keeper.

And, just like that, simple had left the building again.

She felt a touch on her hand, and looked up to see Bette's liquid brown eyes smile at her. "Come on, Ms. Montgomery. You didn't dress up like that to sit around. Let's join the heathens in the mosh pit."

Bianca allowed herself to be pulled up, but when Bette would have turned and led them to the dance floor, Bianca pulled her back. She kissed Bette, with everything that was in her, her tongue dueling with her lover's, teeth nipping at Bette's lips. "Bette. I want you to know. The past two days..."

Bette kissed her again, and smiled that smile that Bianca was entranced by. "I know."

And just like that, things were simple again.


"Holy shit."

"Holy shit."

"Holy shit."

"You already said that, Mags."

"This is..."


Before them stood a split level building that housed the cavorting masses of the alternative sexuality. Multi-color strobe lights blazed, a pounding bass resonated through every material (including, it felt to Maggie, her bones) and glitter cascaded from on high.

Oh, and there were scantily clad men and women everywhere. It seemed like the setting for a modern day bacchanalian orgy. Nero would be so proud.

They entered on the upper level, and as they walked further into the club, they could see the dance floor on the lower level, where the teeming club goers coalesced in a universal mating ritual. It was like a mosh pit of flesh. And, from the way some of the women were moving, aroused flesh at that.

"Hey. I need some liquid courage, even as a temporary, honorary lesbian. What are you having?"

"Rum and coke. No, wait..." A special night deserved a special drink. "Campari cocktail, with Armadale vodka." She handed him some extra cash, and winked. "It's an expensive drink, Martin."

He winked right back. "Fits the woman, I'd say."

"See, you're catching on to this lesbian thing faster than you expected!"

"Ha ha. If I'm not back in five minutes, I've been seduced into a threesome with two very fine ladies."

"See you in three minutes, Jamie."

Maggie felt like a tourist seeing the Emerald City for the first time; she was struck by the newness of it all. It wasn't something she could have imagined; one had to be here to believe it. What struck her was the utter normalcy of it all: even if the setting seemed over-the-top, no one was acting as if it was anything out of the ordinary. For these denizens, this was the way of the night. Amidst the music, glitter, glamor, laughter, sensuality and sex, chaos found order here.

And there were lots of hot women. Hot, writhing women. She studied them, the way they laughed, danced, kissed, groped...She grinned. She could get used to this.

"Why didn't we come here earlier?" Jamie shouted at her, grinning, as he handed her drink.

Maggie grinned back. "I don't know!"

"Look at what I got!" He held out his palm, where a number had been scrawled in black, marker ink. "It's permanent marker, he said, so that it wouldn't get rubbed off later."


"Yeah, Mags, he. Didn't buy the whole honorary, temporary lesbian thing."

Maggie took a sip from her drink...her very delicious drink. She leaned against the railing, looking down again at the dance floor. "Sorry, Jamie. Maybe we can try the whole knighthood thing again. Wanna kneel?"

"In this crowd?? I got a rep to protect." He looked at his friend, who had suddenly gone slack-jawed even as her hands tensed around her drink. Her eyes had nearly glazed over. "Mags? Hello?" He turned to look down, wondering what she saw amongst the revelers. He didn't see anything at first, and then the lights flashed again, and he saw it.

"Bianca," he heard his companion whisper.


Bette didn't know what sort of dancer Bianca would be. Moves in bed didn't automatically translate into moves on the dance floor.

But it seemed that Bianca was going to bring Bette to her knees on the dance floor just as she had earlier in the day in her own hotel room. There seemed little doubt of that, given the way she was panting (and Bette almost never panted); Bette felt it was safe to say that the Devil Herself was in Bianca's hips tonight.

As the hypnotic beat of a remix of The Crystal Method's "Bad Stone" played, Bianca was facing away from her, Bette felt Bianca's extremely shapely rear tease her front, as she slipped one hand around Bianca's body, to tease her lover's stomach, and pull Bianca more tightly against their body as they moved together, turning each other on even further.

Bianca leaned back, her back resting against Bette's luscious breasts, her head on Bette's shoulder, and curved her neck upwards as Bette leaned down to kiss her lover.

They were sex in motion.

Their tongues danced, their hips moved, and the world disappeared.


Jamie couldn't stop staring. He felt like shaking his head, trying to clear his head. He couldn't be seeing what he thought he was seeing. His proper, saintly childhood friend, Bianca Montgomery, dancing with an incredibly hot woman, and passionately kissing her with clearly lascivious intent in front of the entire world.

It couldn't be.

But, oh, it was.

He turned to Maggie, who couldn't stop staring either. From what he could tell, Maggie was frozen. He didn't know with shock or what, but his friend didn't take her eyes off Bianca, the woman in the red dress.


Bianca needed a drink, and a breather. Their activities on the dance floor had gotten her very hot and bothered, and she needed to be fortified before she went back for more. Bette led her back to their booth, asked their waitress to get them both refills. She stood at the edge of their booth, where there was a railing that cordoned it off from the rest of the dance floor.

She felt Bette come stand behind her, and reach around to hand her drink. She leaned back against Bette, as her lover leaned in to kiss her neck.

"They're all here for you, you know."

Bianca laughed, not understanding. She arched to kiss Bette's neck. "What?"

Bette slipped one hand around her, holding her as she had on the dance floor. "Look at them, Bianca."

Bianca turned back and watched the various men and women reveling in the night. Bette knew her time with this gorgeous creature was drawing to a close, faster than she expected. In another hour, she would walk out of these club's doors. She wanted to leave Bianca with one last realization. "Do you know how beautiful you are, Bianca? Here, that's the only thing that matters. You have to accept it, inside these walls, everything else doesn't matter. The only rules that apply are superficial ones. In that, there is power. And from what I can see, you have a lot of power. You always do, but also here. Do you feel that?"

Bianca took a sip of her drink, and surveyed the landscape, and began to feel heady.

Bette smiled, as she felt her lover grow contemplative, leaning more against her. "You can have whomever you want, Bianca. You decide. And what you want, you can have. Feel that beat? The frenetic energy of humanity? It's yours. Take your pick. Do you like what you see? Choose someone, and take them. Rock their world. The world, here, tonight, it's yours."

Bianca tried to make out the faces of those around her, as she swept her eyes over the beautiful faces, the supple bodies. Suddenly, she felt the hairs on her neck stand up, and she looked up.

The strobes did a sweep of the top level of the club just then.

Bette leaned in, and whispered to her lover. "See anything you want?"

In that instant, eyes met, and for a second Bianca couldn't believe what, or who, she was seeing. "Maggie."

- TBC -

all my children

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