Bad Girls fanfic: Advertising Love part 6/?

Feb 13, 2008 19:07

Title Advertising Love part 6/?
Fandom Bad Girls
Pairing Helen/Nikki
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer:  I do not own Bad Girls.  It is the Property of Shed Productions.
Archiving: If you want it.

The girls came down into the living room, ready to leave, around 8:30.  Helen, wearing a light green spaghetti strap shirt and skin tight blue jeans, and Nikki, clad in a white button down shirt with a black tank top underneath and black jeans, were ready to go out and have some fun.

“My god, Helen, you look amazing.”

“You don’t look so bad yourself, Nikki.”

“Shall we get this show on the road then?”  Nikki asked.

“Lead the way.”

By the time the two girls made it to the club it was already close to nine.  The doorman let them in without standing in line because he recognized Nikki as a regular.  Once inside they started looking around for the people they were meeting.  Nikki immediately recognized her friends and, after pointing them out to Helen, made her way over to meet them.  Helen, on the other hand, stayed by the entrance to meet Claire, who came in after about five minutes.  The two girls greeted each other and made their way over to the table.  Keeping a close eye on the duo as they made their way over, Nikki noticed how several heads turned an appreciative eye towards her new roommate.

“Nikki, this is my friend Claire.  Claire, this is my roommate, Nikki.”

“It’s nice to meet you, Claire.”

“Likewise, Nikki.”

“Helen, Claire, this is my best friend/Club DJ, Trisha, and her girlfriend/Owner’s daughter, Caroline.  Trisha, Caroline, meet my roommate, Helen, and her friend, Claire.”

The four girls exchanged pleasantries and the group started talking.  Trisha’s first impression, although wrong, was that Helen was timid and uncomfortable in the club, but she put the thoughts aside and tried to get to know the two new comers.  Before long they all realized that they had a lot in common and got along very well.  It was shaping up to be a promising evening.

As the conversation continued, Nikki made her way to the bar to get the first round of drinks.  Helen watched her and noticed that a stringy haired blonde sidled up to Nikki while she waited for their drinks.  It took a few moments for Helen to realize that this was unwanted attention.

Excusing herself from the table, Helen made her way towards the bar.  The closer she got, the more of the conversation she heard.

“Come Nik, you know you want to.”  The blonde pleaded.

“I said no Shell.  I am with someone now back off.”  Nikki was beginning to get angry.  She couldn’t even remember the amount of times she had tried to get rid of Shell’s unwanted attention.  She wondered if Helen was serious when she mentioned she would pretend to be her girlfriend for the night.

“Darling, there you are.”  Came the now very familiar Scottish tones as two arms wrapped themselves possessively around Nikki’s neck from behind.

Guess that’s my answer. Nikki thought to herself.  “Hiya, babe.”  She turned and placed a soft kiss on Helen’s cheek.  “Shell, this is my girlfriend, Helen.  Babe this is Shell Dockley.”

Even though she hated losing, Shell decided that she wasn’t going to be able to come between the two of them if the look in their eyes was anything to go by.  Silently, she got up and started her search for another target.

“Thanks.  I was beginning to wonder if she would ever get the hint.”  Nikki smiled.

“No problem.  So, what’s her story anyway?”  Helen asked, disentangling herself from Nikki’s neck.

“She has been after me since Trish and I broke up.  No matter how many times I tell her no, she just doesn’t seem to take the hint.  I think you might have scared her off though.”  She said as she watched Shell make advances at a very timid looking red head.

“Told you I would help if I could.  Now come on.  Let’s get these drinks back to the girls before they think we ditched ‘em.”

When they finally made it back to the table, their group looked up at them confused.

“What took you so long?”  Trish asked.

“Shell.”  Nikki said.

Understanding immediately flashed across Trish’s and Caroline’s face.  They quickly explained the situation to Claire.

“And I’m guessing that Helen had to play the Knight in Shining armor and save the day, right?”  Claire asked.

“Yeah, but she tells me she has some practice in that area.”  Nikki looked to Claire with an amused expression on her face.  That comment prompted them to go into their exploits from back home, keeping the group entertained for the next half hour.

As the story telling started to wind down and Nikki went to get another round, Trish stood up.

“Alright, now, Helen,” Trish said holding out her hand to Helen.  “Since Nikki's abandoned us for some much needed liquid libations, how about you indulge this city dyke and let me have the honor of dancing with the hottest new girl in the club?”

Despite Trish's invitation, and going by her earlier assumption, she didn't expect Helen to have loosened up enough to join her, but, to her surprise, Helen smiled and took her hand and said “Sure, what the hell?” and the two headed off to the dance floor. Trish respected Helen’s personal space and kept some space between them. As they danced, Trish saw a woman in a plaid shirt move towards them and slowly she started dancing beside Helen. Trish leaned close to Helen’s ear and asked if she was okay. For the second time that night, Trish was surprised yet again by Helen's answer, which was a nod and a smile. As Helen and her admirer began dancing together, Caroline sidled up to Trish and the pair started to dance.

Songs blended into other songs and both women were enjoying the energy and music that flowed through them. After Helen lost count of the number of songs she had danced with her admirer, who's name she learned was Jen, she found that she was really enjoying herself. Jen started to dance closer and closer to her and just as she felt like Jen was about to make a move for some contact, a woman with short dark hair and with a black top had stepped in and said something to Jen, her back to Helen. Jen waved bye to Helen and went in search of a different dancing partner and the intruder turned around. Helen couldn't help but grin.

“I see you're enjoying yourself,” Nikki said with a grin of her own, moving and swaying with the shorter woman, their bodies inches apart.

“I am,” Helen said. “Any more trouble with the halter top while you were at the bar?”

“I see you're picking up on the lingo,” Nikki said laughing, “and no she hasn’t bothered me since you showed how possessive you can be.”

“I'm a fast learner, Wade,” Helen said with a mischievous smile and a twinkle in her eye. This music is definitely doing something to my body and brain thought Helen.

Is she doing what I think she's doing? Nikki asked herself. She shook off the thought. “I never doubted that, Stewart,” she said with an equally mischievous smile.

Helen turned her back to Nikki and pressed her body into her dance partner. Nikki's stomach did a flip and she felt her knees go weak. Helen felt the warmth spread through her body once more like it did earlier. Nikki swallowed hard and threw caution to the wind. She put her hands on Helen's hips and pulled the blonde harder against her. She brought her lips to Helen's ear. Helen tilted her head back. Nikki said, “You weren't joking were you?” letting her lips touch Helen's skin.

Helen turned her head to look at the brunette. She ran her tongue along her bottom lip ever so slowly, her eyes on her roommate’s mouth, her hips still gyrating against Nikki's body. Then she smiled. “I'm thirsty,” she said and reached down and took one of Nikki's hands and led her to the bar.

As they waited for their drinks, Nikki whispered into Helen's ear again. “What you just did, we have a name for that.”

Helen turned to look at her, their faces ever so close. “And what's that, Wade?”

Nikki moved closer and Helen could feel the other woman's breath on the corner of her mouth, on her cheek, and then against her ear. “Cunt tease.”

Helen’s face lit up with a mischievous smile.  “Well, I am supposed to be your girlfriend, right?  Just thought I would make it look convincing.”  Nikki couldn’t help but laugh.

A few hours later, after spending an amazing evening out, all five girls decided that they should call it a night, but made definite promises that they would do it again.

bad girls, fic

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