Fic: Through The Heart 3/?

Feb 13, 2008 20:36

The latest news about WMC are really so disappointing I'm quite distracted from writing -- but I didn't forget altogether. Here's another part.

Title: Through The Heart
Author: Demeter
Fandom: WMC (well, what else)
Pairing: L/C
Archiving: Not yet, please. It'll be fine once it's betad and complete.

Summary: A Sunday morning @ Papa Joe's ends tragically, and Kiss-Me-Not is closer than they all think.

Warning: Violence, but it's not a death story. I don't think I could ever do that in this fandom after what we've gone through in 'Third Degree'.

Chapter 1
Chapter 2


He straightened up, giving his reflection in the bathroom mirror a satisfied grin. His formerly dirty blond hair was now a dark brown; contacts would round up the image. So far, no one had known what he looked like, but even with the commotion at the café, somebody was bound to remember; he couldn't take the risk.

Not that he didn't like a risk, on the contrary.

It had been quite risky to leave the fairy tale book behind, but he simply couldn't resist.

Now he'd have to take precautions. The shoes with the special soles that made him look larger would have to go. He'd opt for a different choice of clothes.

Again, he took in his appearance approvingly. Chameleons could learn from him. Then again, most people could learn from him.

By now, they should have found everything else he had left for them...

He thought of the doctor with a shrug. What bad luck for the guy to be called back to work on a day like this, even doing a good job with the stitches. Needle and thread.

He shuddered with a familiar anticipation.



"Will you check on her now?"

I had torn Cindy from what had seemed a restful sleep. Still groggy, but seemingly fine, though that wasn't enough for me; I wanted the doctor to confirm it, even taking into consideration that he was shocked about his colleague having been murdered.

And I didn't give a damn about Ashe watching me from the doorway, while Jacobi said, "Lindsay. They will if you give them a moment."

" 'm okay. Sleep," she mumbled, and I had to smile despite myself. I had to make room for the two physicians that had accompanied Jacobi and Ashe here, so I stood to the side, my heart rate slowly returning to normal as she turned out to be unharmed.

They were taking a blood sample to be sure. I kept waiting, just wanted a moment with her until I had to go back to work.

I watched her very closely, hoping to keep my mind from flashing on the murdered doctor just a few corridors away, feeling just as grateful as guilty. We'd been spared. Which could only mean he was preparing for a bigger game.

Kiss-Me-Not had no qualms about killing whoever was in his way, but he'd go back to his ritual eventually.

The sting of something sharp in my finger made me start. Mesmerized, I stared at the drop of blood. There was a rose under Cindy's pillow.

Not much of a question who had left it here.


The argument was brief and conclusive. "I need a guard in front of her door, 24/7, until she can go home with me."

If he'd noticed my slip of the tongue, Tom didn't let it show. I didn't care. Either way, the truth would come out eventually. "He didn't send the FBI an image of her with XXX's drawn over her mouth."

"He sent them Cindy's article."

Tom sighed. "Lindsay, he's taunting you. It's not like we can take a risk here, so okay, you'll get your guard. I just wish you cared as much about yourself."

I would have said something to that if it wasn't for the Agent who was hanging around, watching us curiously. If only my break from him could have lasted a little while longer.

Tom assigned a guard to Cindy's room, and then there was no putting it off any longer; Agent Ashe and I went back to the scene of the murder.



I had thought about this long and hard, and by the time Cindy was allowed to leave the hospital, I had come to a few conclusions. I couldn't deny it any longer - they had all been right, Tom, Agent Ashe. Kiss-Me-Not was making it personal; I was the one he was really after.

In the meantime, he'd just kill at the drop of a hat. It had to end, one way or another. I had to face him. Literally.

The night before the day Cindy was going to be released, Jacobi and I went for a beer, and I told him about my plans. He told me his opinion about them. Bluntly.

"You're nuts, Boxer. Jesus, this guy has really messed with your mind."

I scowled at him. "I thought you'd appreciate me telling you a little more."

"You being alive is what I appreciate most. And this sounds suicidal. It's not something people usually do when they just fell in love."

He laughed at what must have been a panicked look on my face. " 'Some women lose all sense of reality in the face of cuteness'. Didn't take me that long to figure out you weren't talking about Cindy. You were talking about yourself."

I had stood on my desk in the middle of the bullpen to assure everybody that hey, my private life wasn't that exciting enough for anybody to be concerned about it. Obviously, it hadn't helped much.

"It is actually a good thing," Jacobi assured me. "You idea to bait out Kiss-Me-Not is definitely not."

"You were right with what you said about partners. That's why I told you. I need someone to back me up in this. It's our only chance to get him."

I looked up at him, warmed at the concern in his eyes, but not backing down.

"Are we in this together?"

He didn't answer right away. I knew he hated what I'd come up with; except he knew there was no other way. So far, the killer's cover had been perfect. We needed to blow it.

I gave Jacobi a questioning look, and he said, "Hell, yes. We are."



I would have to come clean with the club eventually, and they would try to talk me out of it, so that would come last, when everything was set up. I'd have to go alone... he'd been close these past few weeks, so he'd know, and it would a chance to good to miss.

If he really wanted me, he wouldn't be able to resist.

First of all, though, I brought Cindy home. We hadn't talked about shared quarters before, after all, 'us' was pretty new, still, but there was no discussion whether or not she'd be with me until she'd have fully recovered. Until I had mustered enough courage to face off the monster that had been lurking in my nightmares for too long.

It wasn't so hard to push those thoughts away for a while, when Cindy was sitting beside me, telling me how glad she was to come home with me. Just listening to her and stealing sideways glances at a red light made me smile.

"... and I really could have done with a little less drama for our coming out. Why would anybody rob the place on a Sunday morning? I really--" She hid a big yawn behind her hand. "Before I can address all these questions though, I could sleep for years."

This time, I almost missed the light turning red, and I hit the brakes so hard the car lurched. "What did you just say?"

"Um, I didn't mean it literally..."

"Sleeping Beauty," I said wearily. "The bastard's giving us clues about what his next crime scene will look like."

I saw the spark of curiosity in her eyes, which reminded me uncomfortably of all the things I hadn't told her yet. Not tonight.

For tonight, I just wanted a quiet evening, dinner, time with Cindy that could be cut short at any minute. The truth was, I didn't really know how much remained once I'd made my move. I didn't plan on sacrificing myself. I didn't matter at all, if only I could stop him.

"I understand," she said softly, laying her hand on my arm. "Nothing about the job tonight."

It felt good to have somebody know you that well - and somehow, just a little scary.


"I've missed this so much," Cindy sighed, and I smiled, kissing her neck. I had, too. I loved holding her like this; spooned up beside her, her body warm and relaxed in my arms - it gave me a sense of peace that I wasn't accustomed to. It was a nice way to start over again.

She turned her head to kiss me, then asked mischievously, "You sure sleeping was all you had on your mind?"

"As long as you're still doped up on pain meds, yes, I'm sure."

"There are other ways to up those endorphin levels," she mumbled, and I chuckled.

"Bring it on. As long as you're grumpy, I know you really must be a lot better." It was true; I hadn't even realized how much anxiety had built up inside of me those past few days. It was slipping away finally, bringing in its wake a new determination, and the confidence that with the support I had, I could do almost anything. Even catch Kiss-Me-Not.



He was nothing, if not effecient. The hospital staff was still so worked up about the good doctor's death that they'd need a while to notice the drugs that were missing -- and by that time, he would have already used them, but neither Cindy Thomas nor Lindsay Boxer would be around to make the connection.

He rubbed his palms together in anticipation. He was a bit disappointed to see nothing going on but some cuddling under the covers tonight, but he assumed that would change in the next few days. Grinning, he thought that he'd give them that long; it was for his enjoyment, too, after all.

Next came the punishment.

"Sleeping Beauty indeed," he whispered. "Soon."



The overwhelming feeling of dread is almost a physical presence. It's surrounding me, nearly touching me. I give the front door a little push... and it swings open. A cold breeze makes me shiver, like a warning, but I go further into the house.

Why isn't Martha greeting me as usual?

I walk on, apprehension slowing my step. There's the sound of something cluttering to the floor upstairs. I'm reaching for my weapon automatically, starting, when it isn't there. I'm trying to switch on the light, but nothing happens.

In the darkness, I almost fall over something solid, a wet sound under the sole of my shoe... And then I see her, lying in a pool of blood, just like Jacobi has predicted, her throat slit. I press my hand against my mouth, holding in the scream, because, God, he is still in the house...

I want to run, but I can't; I'm drawn to the stairs like by some invisible force, nearly running, to what is waiting for me in the bedroom, my own safety not an issue. It's because it doesn't matter anymore, as I all but stumble into the room, I know I'm too late.

There are roses strewn all over the bed, and she's lying in the midst of it, blood soaking the sheets, her mouth... sewn shut.

That's when I scream for real, torturous moments until I finally manage to wake myself from the nightmare.


"Lindsay, what is going on?"

Cindy's eyes were wide with concern, but for now, I needed all my concentration to keep on breathing, that, and softly touching her face, her lips, to assure myself that she was indeed alive and whole.

Kiss-Me-Not had given me a few nightmares, but nothing had even been this bad. It was time to end this, finally.

"I'm okay," I said, my voice sounding almost normal.

Cindy was rolling her eyes at me, not pleased with my answer.

"Really. I just neeed a moment, okay?"

"Lindsay. Please." She ran her hand down my back, tenderly, but it was more than I could handle at the moment. I shrugged out of the touch, got up and out of bed.

"Be back in a few."

I didn't need to turn around to see the irritation in her expression; I knew it was there.


women's murder club, fic

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