Calling all video creators:
Come and pimp your fandom to the folks at passion_perfect. Whether your fandom be big or small, up to the minute or out of the archives, this is your chance to persuade all the unbelievers to your cause. Which is a convoluted way of saying we're running a femslash video creation competition and you're all invited.
The competition runs from now until the 7th March - that's just over three weeks.
All videos need to have a positive femslash focus and, for this particular competition, be single fandom focused.
Finished videos should be posted here either as embedded YouTube videos or downloadable via MegaUpload (or both).
Music videos, fantasy trailers and funny videos are all welcome (those are the only three categories I can think of but if there are more I'm sure they'd be fine too).
Tag entries 'vidathon' in addition to the usual tags.
If you need help finding clips or want to ask for song inspiration, leave a message to this post, and if you've got clips you might be able to help others locate or a song you'd like someone to use, check out this post.