(no subject)

Jan 28, 2008 23:26

First post to this comm, and have to say im a little nervous,  but anyway onto the fic.
Title: 23 frames per second
Pairing: Emily/JJ Criminal Minds
Rating: R
Disclaimer: Not mine
Archive: ask and credit, sure.
Feedback: yes please
Summary: 23 little snapshots into JJ and Emily's life.
A/N already posted elsewhere, but i thought that, because it was the promt for baby by  sofia_lindsay,  i should post it here. Also if you like it and let me know,  there might be another 23 frames soon.

1) "Hey Prentiss, isn't that JJ's shirt?"

2) "You, me, kids, i could see it"

3) As JJ felt Emily's hand in hers, she knew it would be OK

4) "God JJ, could this day get any worse?"  "Well Rossi, did you know I'm a lesbian?"

5) Emily no longer had a neat profile of JJ in her head, she had a messy one in her heart.

6) "Were you looking at her ass?!?" "What can i say? i like long-legged blonds"

7) "Emily, don't you know blonds have more fun?"

8) "Did i mention I'm a real FBI agent?"

9) And there was Emily Prentiss, wearing only a strap-on and a smile.

10) In Emily's arms JJ knew she was safe.

11) Morgan pretended not to notice JJ rubbing her wrists,  the same way he pretended not to notice Emily was using her spare cuffs.

12) "Em, no more dirty texts during briefings"

13) When Emily held JJ in her arms nothing else mattered

14) Seeing Emily, spread out in all her glory, took JJ's breath away.

15) "Emily,  you cant keep ripping the buttons of my shirts, i have nothing to wear!" "Sorry! you can borrow something of mine"

16) The first time Hotch saw Emily breakdown was when he told the team that JJ was MIA.

17) The first time Morgan saw Emily cry was when they found JJ,  shaken up, but OK.

18) JJ had never heard anything as divine as Emily saying that one name; "Jennifer"

19) "Ohh Emily, these are beautiful earrings,  they even look like real diamonds!"  "uh.. JJ they *are* real"

20) "Tu veux coucher avec moi ce soir"  "Oh, Emily, you know i cant resist when you speak in tongues"

21) Emily has been around the world, but she has never seen anything as beautiful as the woman laying next to her.

22) "Emily, i love you, but there is no way i am watching lord of the rings with you"

23) As Emily held JJ she knew she had found true love.

criminal minds

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