BTVS/Anita Blake/Aliens vs Predator I
Pairing: Faith/Willow/Alexa Woods
Rating: NC-17/M
Summary: An epic story surrounding Faith and journey towards finding her way back to Willow and the Scoobies. Of course she wouldn’t be a Scooby without a major changes along the way, complete with dimension-jumping, a Lover with issues of her own, a Pack, and her Something else hitching a ride with her Inner-Slayer-namely a Hell-Hound.
*I'd like to send a shout-out to BearBlue, who was a life-saver in stimulating my muse when she became 'stubborn' in some places.
*Disclaimer: As cool as the idea might be; I make NO money and claim no ownership from the various 'verses and characters of BTVS: Joss Whedon, Aliens vs Predator: 20th Century Fox, Davis Entertainment, & Impact Pictures, and Anita Blake: Laurel K. Hamilton.
*Any and all mistakes are my own. Feedback is TRULY appreciated.
Previous Chapters *****************************************************************************************
Chapter 11 Chapter 12 Chapter 13 Chapter 14 Chapter 15