Fic: Piece Of My Heart

Oct 24, 2010 13:04

Title: Piece Of My Heart
Author: Demeter
Fandom: Women's Murder Club
Pairing: Cindy/Sam
A/N: Whoa, what happened here?
Rating: PG-13? I never get these things right, but there's sex and heartbreak in 203 words.

She closed her eyes, blocking out the sounds in the distance, the feel of the wall against her back, her sole focus on the fingers pleasuring her. Hair tickled her cheek when the other woman leaned forward to kiss her, catching the cry before it could make it past her lips.

Reality came back to her abruptly, and Cindy felt incredibly self-conscious as she pulled her slip back on and righted her skirt again. Her face was burning.

Sam smiled at her gently. “Would you like to go for a drink somewhere?” she asked.

“No. No thanks. I need to go home.”

“You’re not driving, right?”

Oh, right. The dark-haired woman was a cop. Cindy sure knew how to pick ‘em. “What’s it to you?” she had nearly asked, but she stopped herself in time, realizing that her irriation wasn’t really directed at Sam. “No. My place is just a few minutes away.”

The other woman nodded, understanding that she was not invited. Cindy was quite sure that Sam wouldn’t nearly be as understanding if she’d known the whole truth. Better to say goodbye before she had a chance to find out.

Having to sleep alone once more seemed like an appropriate punishment.

women's murder club

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