Title: Lions and Baby Zebras
Pairing: Emily/JJ
Words: 1,436
Rating: PG-13
A/N: Just had to get this out of my system so I could concentrate on the essay I have to work at. No spoilers.
JJ was doing it again. Making excuses to leave her office and aimlessly wander through the main office of the B.A.U. Where all the other agents were sitting at their desks, working. She’d dropped off some papers with Hotch’s secretary, three times. Each time claiming that new information had just arrived after she’d dropped of the last folder. Not that that wasn’t true, but on any other day she’d have waited for more information to arrive on a case before bringing Hotch any information at all. Especially, when the case was at least two days away from needing their interference. She’d gotten water and chocolate from the vending machine, coffee from the coffee machine and paper for her fax machine (which she rarely used these days, thanks to scanning technology and digital cameras). She’d gone to talk to Garcia about the Fourth of July Party the computer genius had invited the whole team to and returned two books (one after the other, on separate trips) she’d borrowed from Reid.
It was the shirt. If you could call it that.
Emily Prentiss was wearing a white (transparent, JJ’s mind screamed) cotton shirt with short sleeves and most of its buttons undone while the agent was basically hugging the small desk fan that the maintenance department had distributed after announcing that they couldn’t repair the A/C for at least another two days. And JJ felt like she was circling her like a hungry pack of lions circle an unsuspecting baby zebra. She felt ridiculous.
But she really should go to the supply closet to pick up some new paperclips. She was almost out.
Leaving her office (why did she have a separate office again? The room? Who cared about room? She’d rather have the view) she was disappointed to find Emily’s chair empty. Deciding to see that as a sign to stop doing what she was doing she made her way to the supply closet anyway. She was surrounded by profilers. They’d notice if she just turned on her heel and went back to her office.
She enjoyed the slightly cooler air in the corridor leading to the copy room (which was probably dangerously warm) and opened the first door on her right. The air in there was even cooler than in the corridor and for a second she contemplated staying there. With nothing to obsess about, the return to her office seemed less and less attractive. The unbearable heat wave made it impossible to work. She knew, she was kidding herself. Like every member of their team, JJ was a workaholic. Even though she’d dream about playing hooky or hiding from work, she’d never actually do it. At least not for long.
Only half the lights worked when she pushed the switch and she made a mental note to tell the maintenance guys that there was another thing they had to fix. With a sigh she made her way to the far end of the room and reached for the paper clips that were, predictably, on the very top shelf. Which she couldn’t reach. Of all the days to not wear heels…
Suddenly, there was someone behind her. A hand with perfectly manicured nails reached for the box of paperclips and easily snapped it off the shelf. JJ was too stunned to even jump at the unexpected presence. Her mind had frozen instantly. For just a second Emily Prentiss's body had been leaning just slightly against her back. Slightly delayed, her body decided to shudder appreciatively. Turning around in order to hide her body’s reaction she came face to face with the cause of those shudders. Emily was grinning at her, box in one hand and a bottle of water in the other.
“You wanted these, right?” JJ couldn’t take the offered box. Her mind still busy with more important things.
“Where did you come from?” She blinked rapidly, trying to kick start her brain.
“I was sitting over there.” Emily pointed to the dark corner. “It’s cooler in here and I’ve had this weird feeling all day. Like I was being watched, you know? And not like when we’re in the field. I didn’t feel threatened at all. It’s still a weird feeling, though.” She paused for a second. “It’s probably just the heat driving me crazy.”
“It’s the shirt.” JJ had no idea what made her say it. Maybe it was the fact that the shirt in question was so close, if it were any closer she’d be wearing it. Or the fact that a black lacy bra peeked out so enticingly. So maybe she did have ideas.
“It’s the shirt.”
“You already said that. I don’t understand.”
“It’s the-“ JJ could only point helplessly at the generous amount of cleavage revealed by the three unfastened buttons. “And the-“ She pointed again. This time at the belly button, revealed between jeans and shirt. For long moments all she could do was point and speechlessly open and close her mouth. “It’s basically see-through. How could I not look?” As far as recoveries from speechlessness went, JJ thought she’d just managed to utter the worst, if not in her life then in history of man- and womankind.
For a second Emily just stared.
“You’ve been out of your office a lot today.” Her tone was thoughtful. “Hotch’s office. Three times. Coffee machine. Vending machine. Twice. Paper supply. Garcia. Reid. Twice.” She looked at the box of paperclips in her hand as if she’d just remembered she was holding them. With a determined look she took a step forward, now definitely in JJ’s personal space. Almost in slow motion, she leaned forward until she could place the box back onto the shelf behind the blonde. “Have you been watching me, JJ?” Emily was so close that her whisper was perfectly audible to JJ, but all she could do was whimper in response. She didn’t know if it was embarrassment, the other woman’s proximity or bare need that had robbed her of speech. But apparently her eyes were communicating all the right things to Emily, because the next thing she knew were Emily's lips pressed against her own. No questioning, no hesitation. JJ’s whole body responded. She leaned forward until her hips connected with Emily’s. Her hands went to the hem of that nerve-wrecking shirt, her fingers skimming the soft skin underneath. Her tongue sought entrance into Emily’s mouth and when that was granted, she seemed to melt into the other woman. Hands traveled from sides to backs. First on top of shirts than underneath. There was no other thought in her mind than what she was doing to that body in front of her and what is was doing to her. Until Emily suddenly pulled back. It was like a switch was turned on and JJ was suddenly aware what she was doing. The positions of her hands for example. One hand was firmly grasping Emily’s ass, while the other was cupping a breast. There also were hands on her body. Two very specific parts of her anatomy.
“A breast woman, I see.” The thought seemed insane, but so was the whole encounter. She hadn’t even thought about the fact that everything in that damn building was on camera surveillance. And she didn’t think about it for a good five minutes longer, because Emily’s lips returned to her. Their kiss more hungry, if possible and this time her brain managed to keep up with her body, enjoying the sensations even more. It was again Emily who pulled back.
Both women were breathing heavily. “We need to get out of here.”
“Huh?” It seemed like JJ’s mind hadn’t quite caught up with the situation after all.
“You. Me. Somewhere private. Wait here.” And just like that Emily quickly left the room.
JJ blinked. Something wonderful was happening to her. She was sure of that. If only higher brain function would return. Emily’s return to the small room prevented any gathering of thoughts.
“I just talked to Hotch. I’m not feeling too well. The heat. I’m not used to it. You offered to drive me home. Very considered of you. We both get the rest of the day off.”
JJ smiled. Her brain had finally caught up. And just in the right moment too.
“In that case: your car or mine?”
It seemed like JJ would be playing hooky after all.