Title: Days of War, Nights of Hell 21/?
Author: Chrissie aka itsalovestory
Rating: Overall NC-17 (violence, sex, drugs, language, and general adult themes)
Fandom: Guiding Light
Pairing: Olivia/Natalia
Disclaimer: I don't own anything but my imagination.
Spoilers: None, though I wish I had something to spoil.
Summary: Otalia learns that long after the battle ends, the war continues at home.
A/N: This is a story that will be angsty, dramatic, and at times sad. A major character will die and another will commit self-harm, but in the end Otalia will be alright. Set in the future, about 6 years after the flash-forward on Guiding Light...so Emma is 16, Francesca is 6, Rafe is 26, Ava is 30, Olivia is 46, and Natalia is 42.
A/N2: Here's another post, dedicated to the darlin' nolateacher. I might have another update up tomorrow but if not then Wednesday for sure. Enjoy!
A/N3: Thanks to the lovely
jcrimjustice for beta'ing this for me!
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20 Chapter 21: "The Longest Night"- Saturday, April 1st, 2017
With flashing fury, Olivia sped through the night. Her blood boiled. Her lungs lurched. Her stomach sank. Her sweet, wonderful wife had betrayed her. Natalia had cheated on her. But, more than that she might be pregnant...and from him.
After all was said and done, the house of cards she had so gently built had still come tumbling down. Olivia Spencer wasn't going to be gentle anymore.
She sat at the bar, drinking a Goose on the rocks. Burning her throat, the cool liquid soothed her nerves for the moment at least. She knew where to find them, because she had been here, with him, before. She knew all too well of his charming smile and kind eyes. You were supposed to be my friend.
Then, she heard it.
Her laugh.
God, how long had it been since she had last heard her joyful laughter bubble out like that? Olivia finished the rest of her drink in a gulp. She stood and turned around, wobbling a bit on her feet, the alcohol dulling her senses.
Then, she saw it.
Her hair.
God, how long had it been since she had felt that gorgeous silk through her fingers, against her sensitive skin? Olivia strode over to where they sat.
Then, she said it.
"You fuckin' piece of shit."
God, how long had it been since she'd been this mad at anyone, let alone him? She looked from him to her.
Then, she felt it.
God, how long had it been since she felt her old self peek out like this, even as she stared into the bottomless depths of her wife's eyes, wide and full of confusion?
Then, she did it.
She turned quickly away from her lover and raised her hand, tightly coiled like a rattlesnake ready to strike.
"Olivia, " Natalia softly spoke, trying not to spook her like she was a wild animal.
Tightly closing her eyes, Olivia Spencer flew her fist forward, solidly connecting with the rugged face before her, knocking Josh Lewis clear out of his chair and onto the floor.