Christmas Wish List fic for WarpedScientist (1/?)

Dec 10, 2007 20:40

Title: Where Rachel Dare
Fandom: The Hollows aka Kim Harrison 'verse
Characters: Rachel Morgan, Ivy Tamwood, Jenks
Category: Romance, Angst
Genre: Slash
Rating:  R
Summary: Spellmaking 101: Never spell, when you can't smell.  Christmas wish list fic for WarpedScientist.
Author's Note: Many thanks to bldy_destini. for the beta. This part is angsty.  Be patient. 
Author's Note #2: Why do the lj usernames hate me and make everything mess up? *sobs*
Spoilers: Definite spoilers through the events of For A Few Demons More.
Disclaimer: These characters belong to Kim Harrison. No copyright infringement is intended.

(Fake Cut to the fic.)

hollows, christmas wish-list

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