Love & Courage.

Jul 01, 2010 00:22

Title: Love & Courage.
Author: pure_ecstasy6 
Pairing: Rachel/Chrissy (Packed To The Rafters)
Rating: NC-17.
Disclaimer: I don't own the characters or Packed To The Rafters. Just written for fun.
Authors Note: Alright so I've been thinking of writing for Packed To The Rafters for quite some time now and I finally got around to doing so. This is something I quickly came up with and it isn't the greatest peice of fic I've ever written but I'm still going to post it and hope that whoever reads will like it! The characters are slightly out of character but I couldn't do much to fix that. This also hasn't been beta'd so please go easy on me!! Oh and I suck at thinking of title names lol :/
Feedback: Comments are brilliant so tell me what you think. =)


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