Title: Days of War, Nights of Hell 14/?
Author: Chrissie aka itsalovestory
Rating: Overall NC-17 (violence, sex, drugs, language, and general adult themes)
Fandom: Guiding Light
Pairing: Olivia/Natalia
Disclaimer: I don't own anything but my imagination.
Spoilers: None, though I wish I had something to spoil.
Summary: Otalia learns that long after the battle ends, the war continues at home.
A/N: This is a story that will be angsty, dramatic, and at times sad. A major character will die and another will commit self-harm, but in the end Otalia will be alright. Set in the future, about 6 years after the flash-forward on Guiding Light...so Emma is 16, Francesca is 6, Rafe is 26, Ava is 30, Olivia is 46, and Natalia is 42.
A/N2: Warning: this chapter contains depictions of self-harm and war.
A/N3: Thanks to the lovely
jcrimjustice for beta'ing this for me!
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13 Chapter 14: "Nightmares"- Wednesday, January 25th, 2017
Olivia sat in the small chair in the bedroom watching her lover sleep. Their talk didn't go anything like she had planned. Without a word, Natalia had went up to their room as Olivia followed closely behind. Once inside their bedroom, they had gotten into a heated argument. Natalia was defensive and angry, accusing Olivia of smothering her. Olivia tried to explain that she only loved her, was only trying to comfort her. She asked what was going on with her and how she could help.
Quickly, Natalia shut her up with a hard kiss against the door. Then, they had tumbled into bed together, kissing passionately. Natalia had bit her neck, and sucked her breasts hard. Olivia had scratched her, digging her nails into the tender flesh of her back and ass. They had marked each other all over their bodies. It wasn't the first time they had made love so passionately.
Olivia shook her head. No, that wasn't making love at all. Hell, that wasn't even fucking. Even though she had a lot of experience with sex, she never had done that. And, she never wanted to do that again, especially with Natalia. When Olivia was above Natalia, thrusting into her hard and fast with her fingers, Natalia looked up into her eyes like so many times before. However, this time there was something cold in Natalia's gaze. It frightened and saddened Olivia so much she had to look away.
And, so now, Olivia was afraid of what was happening to her wife. Natalia seemed to be so broken inside that nothing Olivia could do could fix it. Olivia was exhausted, so tired. She climbed back into bed and slipped off to sleep, hoping for a new day and new beginnings.
The blood dripped downwards from her wrist. A release. A way to feel everything. The pain. The sadness. The anger. Everything.
The tears dripped downwards from her eyes. A release. A way to let everything go. No more pain. No more sadness. No more anger. No more anything.
A crash.
A fire.
A heap of burning bodies and metal, mixed and mingled together.
He walked across the sandy earth and looked down onto the charred remains of that young man. With his big, black boots, he kicked the dog tags away from the blooded, burnt stump. His mission was accomplished. But, his nightmare was just beginning.
James awoke with a start, sweat dripping down his bare chest and back. He looked around the dark room, trying to calm his racing heart. No, his nightmare would never end.