Author: Zenmed
Fandom: Guidinglight
Pairing/characters: Olivia/Natalia, Blake, Doris, Emma, Rafe, Ava, Sister Anne, Ashley, Jodi, Clarissa, Greg, Jane, Josh, Reva Father Ray, Frank, and other brief appearances.
Disclaimer: I own nothing but the thoughts running through my mind; Guiding light and it's characters are property of CBS.
Spoilers: none
Rating: overall PG-13 mainly for language
Summary (this CH.): Olivia and her newly found friends go on an adventure.
A/n : Doris rafe
A/n: LJ was actin' batflipin' crazy so i had to post ch in sections. sorry for inconvenience. all parts posted bellow in order.
Ch 12: Dafe: smack
http://zenmed.livejournal.com/5003.html#cutid1 http://zenmed.livejournal.com/5208.html#cutid1 http://zenmed.livejournal.com/5551.html#cutid1 http://zenmed.livejournal.com/5868.html#cutid1 http://zenmed.livejournal.com/6082.html#cutid1