Callie and Arizona - Wonderwall

Mar 29, 2010 18:55

 Fandom: Grey's Anatomy
Pairing: Calzona (Callie/Arizona)
Song: Wonderwall 
Artsit: Ryan Adams 
POV: No POV really but I would say mostly Callie's (See Below)
A/N:  redownloaded season 5 and 6 of Grey's so...Yay for better quality clips!!! No particular POV but focused mainly on the current story-line and how Callie has progressed in her relationship with Arizona. Mainly Callie/Arizona but there's a couple of brief Callica (Callie/Erica) scenes and a few Mark/Callie friendship scenes :D. The voiceover at the beginning is Mark (Obviously) because I think it described Callie/Erica and Callie's progression well...Kind of.
Oh and you might notice I didn't place the 'Arizona pulling her hands away' thing at the end...Because that would be way too depressing. Hopefully Callie and Arizona will get back on track soon. I'm gonna refer to Shonda's hope inspiring tweet (For about the fiftieth time since this episode aired)
"You will fear but I am Committed to them. Callie and Arizona are MFEO"
MADE FOR EACH OTHER!!! I'm hanging onto that ppl! Callie and Arizona are TOTALLY made for each other! :D
Anyway here's the vid (Had to temporarily switch to metacafe since Youtube was being an ass and decided to block the video in about a hundred countries - UK and US included):

grey's anatomy

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