Modern Family Clarie/Gloria Potenial?

Mar 22, 2010 18:52

the show Modern Family is awesome, hopefully i'm not the only one who knows and possibly loves it and i was at first surprised i found it to have any femslash potenial because it's a family show about a well family but i am the only one who think a) Claire/Gloria would be very hot together b) Claire only married Phil (who is funny, i praise the actor but want to stab the character) because he knocked her up and/or she wanted to prove she was straight and c) although Gloria does care for Jay she could swing to the female side (she answered Haley very quickly about how many men she's slept with [8] but i wonder if she'd answer if the question was have you ever slept with a woman... especially if the person asking was the person you'd slept with daughter) my mind is a twisted place but i can't be only one who sees it
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