Title: My Last Minute With You
Fandom: Women’s Murder Club
Pairing: Lindsay/Cindy
Rating: NC-17
Spoilers/Warnings: Swearing, Dark Themes, Extreme Angst, Extreme Injuries and Character Death
Disclaimer: If this happened on TV I’d be very upset...That is why it is happening in my fictional little world.
Summary: Lindsay wakes after being kidnapped.
Author’s Notes: Was written whilst listening to a lot of Kill Hannah so it set me up in this slightly morbid mood and this is what happened. Thanks so much to both of my betas: angelfire_08 and yellowsmurf6. Without the two of you this fic would not have been possible. The many music recs and supporting discussions were extremely helpful. And thanks again for the unknowing For Blue Skies - Stray Don’t Sleep FB post Angelfire as it brought this to its climatic end.
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