Otalia: Days of War, Nights of Hell (Prologue/?)

Feb 20, 2010 14:30

Title: Days of War, Nights of Hell Prologue/?
Rating: Overall NC-17 (violence, sex, drugs, language, and general adult themes)
Fandom: Guiding Light
Pairing: Olivia/Natalia
Disclaimer: I don't own anything but my imagination.
Spoilers: None, though I wish I had something to spoil.
Summary: Otalia learns that long after the battle ends, the war continues at home.
A/N: This is a story that will be angsty, dramatic, and at times sad. A major character will die and another will commit self-harm, but in the end Otalia will be alright. Set in the future, about 6 years after the flash-forward on Guiding Light...so Emma is 16, Francesca is 6, Rafe is 26, Ava is 30, Olivia is 46, and Natalia is 42. Also, as I'm having some real-life issues, I'm not sure how often I'll be able to post. I'm hoping for about once a week. Thanks!

A/N2: Wanted to give ya'll a little happy before you'll need the Kleenex.

A/N3: Thanks to the lovely jcrimjustice for beta'ing this for me!

Prologue- August 2016

The hot sun began setting along the horizon. Emma and Francesca swam in the cool water as their mothers, Natalia and Olivia, sat on the shore of the lake, watching them. Almost nothing could be better for the happy family.

Natalia reached over and took her wife's hand and gave it a small squeeze.

Olivia looked over and just smiled, knowing everything that the younger woman was feeling, because she felt it, too. She felt joy. Joy. A concept that was just a dream for Olivia until she found the home she always wanted in Natalia and the life they built together.

They gazed at each other for a long moment, getting lost in each other's eyes, each other's love.

A lone figure stood against a willow tree to the side of the family. A small smile danced across his clean-shaven face as he took in the scene before him. When her back was turned, Emma was hit in the head with a giant, wet noodle.

"Hey," Emma squeaked. "You little brat!" She splashed her younger sister, who giggled as she swam away.

"Can't catch me!" the little voice called out, her legs kicking up the water behind her.

A breeze blew through the tree, rustling the leaves. A loud laugh bubbled up from the young man, as he could not contain his amusement any longer.

A set of green eyes widened when she saw the source of the laugh. "Rafe!" Emma squealed as she saw her big brother leaning against the tree in the distance. Her and Francesca began to paddle as fast as their legs and arms could take them to the shore.

Two heads whipped around and saw their son. Natalia gasped, her hand flying up to her mouth. Quickly, both her and Olivia stood, tears of happiness welling in their eyes.

Finally free of the water, the girls ran to Rafe and enveloped him in a soaking wet hug. He didn't mind at all that his Army fatigues were drenched, as he missed his Munchkin and Princess so much. Rafe bent down and swooped up Francesca into his arms. "Hey, Chessie." He gave her a soft kiss on her forehead and settled her on his hip. "How are my little sisters doing?" Rafe asked, turning from Chessie to Emma.

"Great! How are you?" She wrapped her arms around his waist and gave him another hug.

He leaned over slightly and gave Emma a kiss on the crown of her head. Rafe pulled her tighter around her shoulders into a loving embrace. Walking with their fingers intertwined, Olivia and Natalia stopped before their children. Rafe looked right at his ma, grinned, and replied, "Perfect, now that I'm home."


The surprised but very happy family made their way back to the farmhouse. While Rafe, Emma, and Francesca changed into dry clothes, Natalia was busy bustling around the kitchen preparing a quick dinner for her family.

"Olivia, I can't believe this..." Natalia said as she chopped up some garlic and onions for the BBQ chicken. She paused for a moment and took a deep breath. She whispered, "He's home."

Olivia sliced tomatoes and cucumbers to go along with the crisp iceberg and Romaine lettuce for a salad. "I know. It's crazy, huh?"

Natalia turned her head around, the knife waving around as she talked animatedly. "It's an answered prayer."

"It's a lucky break, Ma. That's what it is," Rafe stated as he walked into the kitchen smiling in a pair of cargo shorts and a polo shirt. Olivia snorted a laugh at his comment.

Natalia narrowed her eyes at her lover briefly before settling them back on Rafe. "Well, anyways, I'm just glad you're home."

"Me too." He walked up and grabbed a cucumber slice and popped it into his mouth.

"Rafael," Natalia admonished.

"Yeah, Ma?" He laughed. "You want me to help ol' Olivia here with the grill?"

Olivia looked back up and gasped in mock offense, "Who are you calling old, buddy?" She stuck her tongue out at him.

Natalia laughed, "He's got a point, Honey. You are almost 50."

Olivia stood and threw the vegetables into the bowl and gave it a quick toss. "I'll have you know that this car has plenty of miles left on her," she frowned, setting the salad on the counter. She gave Natalia a quick kiss and went to grab two beers from the fridge.

Rafe kissed Natalia on the cheek. "Not before you have to kick it a few times to go, though. Right?" Rafe joked as he took the prepared chicken and headed out to the grill on the porch.

"Would your commanding officer be terribly mad at me if you lost a finger or two in a BBQ 'accident'?" Olivia teased, following Rafe outside with the beverages.

Natalia shook her head and laughed as she went back to make more food for her family. This is how it's supposed to be.


After dinner, Emma was in the living room playing Mario Kart on the Wii. Olivia and Natalia sat snuggled up next together on the couch. Olivia had her arm wrapped around Natalia's shoulder and Natalia's head was burrowed into Olivia's neck. Rafe came down the stairs from putting his Princess sister to bed.

"Hey, Em," Rafe called out as he walked behind the couch.

The teen looked up and said, "Yeah?"

"Are Ma and Olivia always this mushy?" He smiled and poked a thumb in the women's direction.

Emma rolled her eyes and stated, "Yeah, be glad you're in the Army. It gets kinda gross sometimes."

Everyone laughed.

Rafe asked, "Well, how about you and me go for a walk to the duck pond and leave these two love birds alone for awhile, then?" He held out his hand.

Emma turned off the game. Then, she stood and took the outstretched hand in hers. "Sounds great."


"Rafe?" Emma asked as they walked by the water through the grass. It was night, but still lit well enough from the moon and stars that they could see.

"Yeah, Munchkin?" Rafe peered down into his younger sister's face.

Her voice was quiet and small. "Do you ever get scared?"



He looked away from Emma, out into the calm water, and took a deep breath.

Emma followed his gaze into the water, watching two ducks play with each other. They stood there in silence for a moment.

"But..." Rafe continued, "Even though I may be scared, I know I'll always be okay."

"How do you know that? Because of the God Natalia talks about?"

Rafe let out a small laugh. "Well, not just because of Him. He's there during the days watching out for me. Keeping me safe. At night, though..." he trailed off.

Emma reached over and squeezed his hand reassuringly.

"At night, it's hell. When I'm out there on the field, alone, it's quiet. It's dark. You'd think it be peaceful, but it's not."

"Why not?" Emma looked up into his face, watching the emotions play out in his eyes.

"Because, I miss my family. My friends. My home. Ya know?"

"Yeah..." Emma breathed. "So...how do you know that you'll be alright?"

"Because of this." He pulled out from his shirt the chain that held his dog tags and something else- a small silver coin, his special quarter. Facing his sister once more, Rafe went on, "Because as long as I have you, and Francesca, and Ava, and Ma, and hell even Olivia close to my heart, I'll always be okay." He smiled softly at her.

Emma lifted her hand up to her neck. Her fingers softly felt the cold metal chain against her own skin, where her own quarter lay. It was a reminder of the unbreakable link of family, of brother and sister. They were bound not by blood, but by the heart, by love. She teared up a bit and smiled back.

Rafe cleared the lump in his throat and ruffled her hair. "Now, when did you get to be so big, kid?"

"Kid??" Emma huffed out. "I'm almost 16 now."

"Oh really?" He raised a eyebrow as they started to make their way back to
the house.

"Yep, Ma said I can date then, too."

"Oh realllly? Hmmm..."

"Yeah, but Mom doesn't want me to date until I'm 30. Can you believe her?"

Rafe thought back to when he was Emma's age. Daisy. And, the abortion. Loosing a father he barely knew. Prison. "Hmm..." he pondered.


"Never thought I'd say this, but I think I agree with Olivia."

Emma's eyes grew wide. "Rafe!!"

Rafe chuckled as Emma ran after him.


Olivia and Natalia sat together watching the 11 o'clock news. The weatherman had just finished saying that there was a thunder storm heading for Springfield that night when their two middle children came back in.

Noticing Emma's watery eyes, Olivia slowly asked, "Nice walk?"

Emma looked at Rafe and smiled. "The best." She walked over and gave him a big hug and kissed his cheek. "Well, I'm gonna go call Jodie, and then head to bed."

"Okay, Sweetie," Natalia said softly. "We love you."

Emma came over and gave her mothers a hug goodnight. "Love you, too." She looked over her shoulder. "Night, Rafe."

"Night, Munchkin." He sat down in the chair besides the couch.

Once Natalia was sure that Emma was gone, she asked, "Is she okay? Did you say something to make her upset?"

"Nah, Ma, I was on my best behavior."

Olivia raised an eyebrow.

"I just told her how much I love our family."

"Oh mijo." Natalia smiled, with tears in her eyes.

Rafe looked down to the sparkling white-gold wedding bands on Natalia and Olivia's left hands and then back up to their faces. "Sorry I couldn't make it to the ceremony, but congratulations."

Olivia and Natalia shared a quick loving look. Natalia squeezed Olivia's right thigh where her left hand rested. "Thanks, Rafe."

"It's about time, too, that you made a honest woman outta my Mom."


"What? I was talking about Olivia, of course." He winked at the older woman.

Olivia smiled at him, realizing that he finally came around. After all these years, Natalia was right yet again. Rafe accepted not only their love, but accepted Olivia into his life and heart. He claimed her as his other mother. Slight tears shimmered in her jade eyes.

He sat up and hugged first his Ma and then Olivia. He whispered into her ear, "Glad you're finally a Rivera." Olivia chuckled.

He sat back down in his chair. They all sat there in the happy moment, enjoying the quiet and closeness.

"Soo...how long do we have you here for Rafe? Since I never had one, we can go down to a strip club for my bachelor party." She smirked wickedly and a mischievous twinkle flashed in her eyes.

Natalia's eyes flew wide, and she smacked her wife's arm. Olivia and Rafe laughed hard.

After a minute, Rafe leaned forward. He looked at his mothers and spoke softly, "Actually...umm. I have to leave in the morning at about 5."

"What?!" both women exclaimed.

"Yeah...Sergeant Thompson told me that I was picked for a special assignment in Afghanistan. I only got to come here today because there was a delay in when my training starts." He looked down at his watch. "Oh. I need to go."

"Rafe, but...but, you just got here," Natalia said sadly as Rafe stood to leave.

"I know, but I have plans. I'm supposed to meet up with James, Daisy, and Ashlee for a bit. Sorry, Ma." He leaned down and hugged her. "I love you...both. You take care of each other, okay?"

Olivia looked at him and gave a half-smile. "We will. You stay safe, soldier." Both women stood and followed him.

Rafe walked out the front door. He patted his chest above his heart. "I will. I got everything I need right here."

Olivia and Natalia stood in the doorway together and waved goodbye.


Olivia finished brushing her teeth and flicked the bathroom light off. She walked across the room to where Natalia stood. She was looking through the windows, lost in her thoughts. Gently, Olivia slipped her arms around Natalia's waist from behind. She inhaled deeply the scent of her lover, the sweet mixture of her shampoo, her perfume, and just uniquely her. She nuzzled into Natalia's neck, whispering, "Hey."

Natalia closed her eyes, letting the warmth and safety the older woman gave to her wash over her. "Hey."

"You okay?" Olivia asked concerned. Dark clouds began to gather, blocking out the night sky. The wind picked up, rustling through the trees. The air grew colder, chilling their bedroom through the opened windows.

"Yeah...just...another tour?"

"I know, Baby...but...but he's tough like his Ma. He's a Rivera."

Natalia looked down at their hands and smiled. She softly said, "No..."

"No?" Olivia asked just as softly.

Natalia turned around to face Olivia proudly. "He's definitely a Spencer. Just like me." She leaned up and pressed her lips to Olivia's in a slow and tender kiss.

Olivia smiled, her nose crinkling. She laughed, "Okay, how about Spencer-Rivera?" Natalia kissed her again and then turned back around to look outside. Olivia wrapped her arms around Natalia once again, placing her chin on her shoulder. She put her hands along Natalia's stomach, pulling her close.

"Definitely." Natalia sighed contently and placed her hands over Olivia's, rubbing lightly over the soft flesh with her fingertips. "Forever?"

Olivia responded happily, "Forever, my love." Olivia and Natalia stood there wrapped up together, waiting for the storm to come.


fic, guiding light

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