They've Got it Coming - Challenge

Nov 13, 2007 13:50

We don't actually need a new challenge at this time, but this is another one of those ideas that popped into my mind and might be useful in an on-going capacity. So I'm posting it now because otherwise I'll forget.

Each week, if we're lucky, we get new episodes from the current batch of shows, and sometimes those episodes include elements that simply must be addressed by the femslash community. They might be smidgens of subtext which cannot be ignored or something completely the opposite that needs to be rectified. Hence, the 'They've got it Coming' challenges. This week we have two three contenders:

Stargate Atlantis:
This one falls under the 'is that subtext I see before me' category. I know I'm not the only one who saw the potential in the latest episode.


Women's Murder Club
Your choice
This is definitely in the 'my eyes, my eyes!' category. I'm sure you'll agree that those final images really do need to be wiped from all our minds.


Another in the 'is that subtext I see before me' category. A picture paints a thousand words, so how many does a camera capture?

Yes, these could also be called the 'so vague' challenges but I'm saving that title for another day. Basically, these are more pointers in a specific direction than challenges, but if they prod someone into write then they've done their job.


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