Title: Precious Illusions
Author: Carly Carter
Fandom: Dollhouse/Fringe
Pairing: Adelle DeWitt/Olivia Dunham
Disclaimer: Don't own anything- and I may have been intoxicated with alcohol when I wrote this. But heck Liv needs a good woman, and I just love Adelle. Forgive me.
Rating; PG For now I guess
Summary: While searching for her missing sister and niece, Olivia's investigations lead her to the dollhouse....
A/N: Thank you so much for all the encouraging comments :)
http://carlyisnot.livejournal.com/19773.html Chapter 1
http://carlyisnot.livejournal.com/20290.html And the new chaps...
Chapter 2
http://carlyisnot.livejournal.com/20999.html Chapter 3